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import {Actor} from './src/actor.js'
import {Timeline, KnownActivities} from './src/timeline.js'
import {Message} from './src/message.js'
import {ConnectedUser} from './src/connected-user.js'
// For access of elements
const Elem = function(id) {
return window.document.getElementById(id)
// Icon list
const Icons = {
// Fallback icons
fallback: {
// Misc
'user': "img/unknown-user.svg",
'activity': "img/unknown-activity.svg",
// ActivityStream vocabulary: Activities
vocabulary_activity: {
'Accept': 'img/accept.svg',
'Add': 'img/add.svg',
'Announce': 'img/announce.svg',
'Arrive': 'img/arrive.svg',
'Block': 'img/block.svg',
'Create': 'img/create.svg',
'Delete': 'img/delete.svg',
'Dislike': 'img/dislike.svg',
'Flag': 'img/flag.svg',
'Follow': 'img/follow.svg',
'Ignore': 'img/ignore.svg',
'Invite': 'img/invite.svg',
'Join': 'img/join.svg',
'Leave': 'img/leave.svg',
'Like': 'img/like.svg',
'Listen': 'img/listen.svg',
'Move': 'img/move.svg',
'Offer': 'img/offer.svg',
'Question': 'img/question.svg',
'Reject': 'img/reject.svg',
'Read': 'img/read.svg',
'Remove': 'img/remove.svg',
'TentativeReject': 'img/reject.svg',
'TentativeAccept': 'img/accept.svg',
'Travel': 'img/travel.svg',
'Undo': 'img/undo.svg',
'Update': 'img/update.svg',
'View': 'img/view.svg'
// Get activity icon from its type
activity: function(type) {
return Icons.vocabulary_activity[type] ? Icons.vocabulary_activity[type] : Icons.fallback['activity']
// To render elements that cannot be present in index.html from a model element
const Render = {
// Render an actor in audience fields context
audienceActor: function(actor) {
var display = '<section style="display:inline-block;">'
if (actor.valid) {
display = display + '<img src="' + actor.iconUrl(Icons.fallback['user']) + '" width="32" height="32" /> '
+ '<p style="display:inline-block;"><strong>' + actor.displayName() + '</strong> <br/>'
+ '<a href="' + actor.data.id + '">'
+ actor.address()
+ '</a></p>'
} else {
display = display + '<img src="' + Icons.fallback['user'] + '" width="32" height="32" /> '
+ '<p style="display:inline-block;">Unknown actor</p>'
display = display + '</section>'
return display
// Render an attachment
attachment: function(attachment) {
// If a string => link
var display = ''
if (typeof attachment === 'string') {
display = display + '<a href="' + attachment + '">Link to object</a>'
} else {
const type = attachment.type
const name = attachment.name
const url = attachment.url
const media_type = attachment.mediaType
// If the url is a string, display the element
if (typeof url === 'string') {
display = display + Render.attachmentFrom(type, name, media_type, url)
} else if (Array.isArray(url)) {
// Array of urls => unsupported
} else if (url.type && url.type === 'Link') {
// Object
display = display + Render.attachmentFrom(type, name, url.mediaType ? url.mediaType : media_type, url.href)
} else {
// Unsupported
return display
attachmentFrom: function(type, name, media_type, url) {
// Show a link
var display = (type ? type : 'Document') + '<br/><a href="' + url + '">' + (name ? name : url) + '</a>'
// Show the attachment if it's an image, an audio, or a video
if (type && ((type === 'Image') || (type === 'Document' && media_type && media_type.startsWith('image/')))) {
display = display + '<br/><img src="' + url + '" width="300" ' + (name ? ('alt="' + name + '"') : '') + ' />'
} else if (type && ((type === 'Audio') || (type === 'Document' && media_type && media_type.startsWith('audio/')))) {
display = display + '<br/><audio controls preload="none" src="' + url + '">' + (name ? name : url) + '</audio>'
} else if (type && ((type === 'Video') || (type === 'Document' && media_type && media_type.startsWith('video/')))) {
display = display + '<br/><video controls preload="none" src="' + url + '" width="300" >' + (name ? name : url) + '</video>'
return display
// UI actions
const UI = {
// Attributes
composed_message: new Message(), // Message used in composition page
current_context: 'my-inbox', // By default, show the inbox
is_connected: false, // Indicate if the user is connected
other_actor: new Actor(), // Other actor to display
timeline: new Timeline(), // Collection of activities to display in the central column
// Contextual methods
refresh_context: {
'send-message': function() {
UI.showTimeline(undefined, undefined)
if (UI.is_connected) {
UI.showPage('send-message', undefined)
} else {
UI.showPage('select-user', undefined)
'my-inbox': function() {
if (UI.is_connected) {
UI.showPage('show-profile', ConnectedUser.actor)
} else {
UI.showTimeline(undefined, undefined)
UI.showPage('select-user', undefined)
'my-outbox': function() {
if (UI.is_connected) {
UI.showPage('show-profile', ConnectedUser.actor)
} else {
UI.showTimeline(undefined, undefined)
UI.showPage('select-user', undefined)
'my-profile': function() {
UI.showTimeline(undefined, undefined)
if (UI.is_connected) {
UI.showPage('show-profile', ConnectedUser.actor)
} else {
UI.showPage('select-user', undefined)
'other-profile': function() {
UI.showPage('show-profile', UI.other_actor)
if (UI.other_actor.data.outbox) {
UI.showTimeline(UI.other_actor.data.outbox, undefined)
} else {
UI.displayError('Actor does not have a public outbox.')
UI.showTimeline(undefined, undefined)
// Page refresh methods
refresh_page: {
'select-user': function(_) {
Elem('connect-username').value = ''
'ask-password': function(_) {
Elem('connect-password').value = ''
Elem('ask-password-user-icon').innerHTML = '<img src="' + ConnectedUser.actor.iconUrl(Icons.fallback['user']) + '" width="32" height="32" />'
Elem('ask-password-user-display-name').innerText = ConnectedUser.actor.displayName()
Elem('ask-password-user-address').href = ConnectedUser.actor.data.id
Elem('ask-password-user-address').innerText = ConnectedUser.actor.address()
'show-profile': function(actor) {
// data contains the actor to display
Elem('profile-icon').innerHTML = '<img src="' + actor.iconUrl(Icons.fallback['user']) + '" width="96" height="96" />'
Elem('profile-display-name').innerText = actor.displayName()
Elem('profile-address').href = actor.data.id
Elem('profile-address').innerText = actor.address()
Elem('profile-type').innerText = actor.data.type
Elem('profile-summary').innerHTML = actor.data.summary
Elem('profile-code-source').innerText = JSON.stringify(actor.data._raw, null, 1)
// Controls only shown if the actor is the connected user
if (actor.data.id === ConnectedUser.actor.data.id) {
Elem('profile-controls-connected').style.display = 'block';
} else {
Elem('profile-controls-connected').style.display = 'none';
'show-activity': function(activity) {
// data contains the activity to display
Elem('activity-type').innerText = activity.type
Elem('activity-published').innerText = activity.published ? activity.published.toLocaleString() : ''
Elem('activity-actor-icon').innerHTML = '<img src="' + activity.actor.iconUrl(Icons.fallback['user']) + '" width="48" height="48" />'
Elem('activity-actor-display-name').innerText = activity.actor.displayName()
Elem('activity-actor-address').innerText = activity.actor.address()
Elem('activity-actor-address').href = activity.actor.data.id
Elem('activity-to').innerHTML = activity.to.map(
function(element) {
return '<li class="actor-display">' + Render.audienceActor(element) + '</li>'
Elem('activity-cc').innerHTML = activity.cc.map(
function(element) {
return '<li class="actor-display">' + Render.audienceActor(element) + '</li>'
Elem('activity-code-source').innerText = JSON.stringify(activity.data._raw, null, 1)
// Object of activity
if (activity.object) {
Elem('activity-object').style.display = 'block'
Elem('activity-object-type').innerText = activity.object.type
Elem('activity-object-published').innerText = activity.object.published ? activity.object.published.toLocaleString() : ''
Elem('activity-object-actor-icon').innerHTML = '<img src="' + activity.object.actor.iconUrl(Icons.fallback['user']) + '" width="48" height="48" />'
Elem('activity-object-actor-display-name').innerText = activity.object.actor.displayName()
Elem('activity-object-actor-address').innerText = activity.object.actor.address()
if (activity.object.actor.data) {
Elem('activity-object-actor-address').href = activity.object.actor.data.id
Elem('activity-object-to').innerHTML = activity.object.to.map(
function(element) {
return '<li class="actor-display">' + Render.audienceActor(element) + '</li>'
Elem('activity-object-cc').innerHTML = activity.object.cc.map(
function(element) {
return '<li class="actor-display">' + Render.audienceActor(element) + '</li>'
Elem('activity-object-code-source').innerText = JSON.stringify(activity.object.data._raw, null, 1)
Elem('activity-object-name').innerText = activity.object.name
Elem('activity-object-summary').innerHTML = activity.object.summary
Elem('activity-object-content').innerHTML = activity.object.content
// If there are attachments on the object, display them
Elem('activity-object-attachments-number').innerText = activity.object.attachments.length
Elem('activity-object-attachments').innerHTML = activity.object.attachments.map(
function(element) {
return '<li class="attachment-display">' + Render.attachment(element) + '</li>'
} else {
// Hide the element
Elem('activity-object').style.display = 'none'
'send-message': function(_) {
Elem('send-message-to-recipient').value = ''
Elem('send-message-cc-recipient').value = ''
Elem('send-message-public-visibility').value = UI.composed_message.public_visibility
Elem('send-message-follower-visibility').value = UI.composed_message.follower_visibility
Elem('send-message-subject').value = UI.composed_message.subject
Elem('send-message-content').value = UI.composed_message.content
// TO/CC
Elem('send-message-to').innerHTML = UI.composed_message.to.map(
function(element) {
return '<li class="actor-display">'
+ Render.audienceActor(element)
+ ' <button style="vertical-align:top;" onclick="UI.removeToRecipient(\'' + element.data.id + '\')">×</button>'
+ '</li>'
Elem('send-message-cc').innerHTML = UI.composed_message.cc.map(
function(element) {
return '<li class="actor-display">'
+ Render.audienceActor(element)
+ ' <button style="vertical-align:top;" onclick="UI.removeCcRecipient(\'' + element.data.id + '\')">×</button>'
+ '</li>'
// Methods
// On load, auto-connect
checkConnection: function() {
// Connect
function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (failure_message) {
// On connected, show the right page
onConnectionChange: function(connected) {
UI.is_connected = connected
// Display content errors
displayError: function(message) {
Elem('error').style.display = 'block'
Elem('content-error').innerText = message
// Clear error messages
clearError: function() {
Elem('error').style.display = 'none'
Elem('content-error').innerText = ''
// Show a page
showPage: function(page, data) {
// Clear errors
// Hide all other pages
for (const p in UI.refresh_page) {
Elem(p).style.display = 'none'
// Show the page
Elem(page).style.display = 'block'
// Refresh
// Show the timeline
showTimeline: function(url) {
if (url) {
Elem('timeline').style.display = 'block'
Elem('timeline-data').innerHTML = 'Loading collection...'
Elem('timeline-prev-top').disabled = true
Elem('timeline-next-top').disabled = true
UI.timeline = new Timeline()
function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
Elem('timeline-data').innerHTML = UI.timeline.activities.map(function(activity) {
return '<section class="timeline-activity" onclick="UI.showActivity(\'' + activity.id + '\');">'
+ '<img src="' + Icons.activity(activity.type) + '" width="32" height="32"> '
+ '<p style="display:inline-block;">'
+ '<strong>' + activity.type
+ ((activity.object && activity.object.type) ? ' (' + activity.object.type + ')' : '')
+ '</strong><br/>'
+ activity.actor.displayName() + '</p></section>'
if (UI.timeline.prev) {
Elem('timeline-prev-top').disabled = false
if (UI.timeline.next) {
Elem('timeline-next-top').disabled = false
} else {
Elem('timeline-data').innerHTML = ''
} else {
Elem('timeline').style.display = 'none'
// Update the nav
updateNav: function(selected) {
// Unselect all options
['send-selector', 'inbox-selector', 'outbox-selector', 'profile-selector'].map(x => Elem(x).checked = false)
if (selected) {
Elem(selected).checked = true
// Change context
setContext: function(ctx) {
UI.current_context = ctx
// Lookup actor
lookupActor: function() {
// Find the actor and change to the 'other-profile' context
UI.other_actor = new Actor()
function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
} else {
UI.displayError('Unable to find user (' + failure_message + ')')
// Action on the select-user page
selectUser: function() {
// Load the actor and go to the ask-password page
function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
UI.showPage('ask-password', undefined)
} else {
// Action on the ask-password page
connectUser: function() {
// Connect the user
function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (failure_message) {
// Action on the profile page
disconnectUser: function() {
// Disconnect the user
// Action on the send page
// Update visibility
updateSendVisibility: function() {
UI.composed_message.setVisibility(Elem('send-message-public-visibility').value, Elem('send-message-follower-visibility').value)
// Add in To
addToRecipient: function() {
const actor = new Actor()
function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
UI.showPage('send-message', undefined)
} else {
UI.displayError('Unable to find user (' + failure_message + ')')
// Add in Cc
addCcRecipient: function() {
const actor = new Actor()
function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
UI.showPage('send-message', undefined)
} else {
UI.displayError('Unable to find user (' + failure_message + ')')
// Remove from To
removeToRecipient: function(url_profile) {
// Don't fetch the actor, only set the profile url used in removal
const actor = {data: {id: url_profile}}
UI.showPage('send-message', undefined)
// Remove from Cc
removeCcRecipient: function(url_profile) {
// Don't fetch the actor, only set the profile url used in removal
const actor = {data: {id: url_profile}}
UI.showPage('send-message', undefined)
// Update message content
updateSendContent: function() {
UI.composed_message.setContent(Elem('send-message-subject').value, Elem('send-message-content').value)
// Send message
sendMessage: function() {
function(is_ok, failure_message) {
if (is_ok) {
// Clear message
UI.composed_message = new Message()
UI.showPage('send-message', undefined)
} else {
UI.displayError('Error when sending message: ' + failure_message)
// Timeline navigation
nextTimeline: function() {
if (UI.timeline.next) {
prevTimeline: function() {
if (UI.timeline.prev) {
// Show contents of activities
showActivity: function(activityId) {
const act = KnownActivities.get(activityId)
act.loadAll(function (load_ok, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
UI.showPage('show-activity', act)
if (failure_message) {
export {UI}