
156 lines
5.1 KiB

const {Actor} = require('./actor.js')
const {KnownActors} = require('./known-actors.js')
// ASObject class: represent of Object of the ActivityStream spec
const ASObject = function(raw_object) {
this.raw = raw_object
this.id = raw_object.id
this.type = raw_object.type
this.published = raw_object.published ? new Date(raw_object.published) : undefined
this.title = raw_object.title ? raw_object.title : ''
this.summary = raw_object.summary ? raw_object.summary : ''
this.content = raw_object.content ? raw_object.content : ''
// actor, to, cc are filled in loadActors
this.actor = new Actor()
this.to = []
this.cc = []
this.attachments = (raw_object.attachment && Array.isArray(raw_object.attachment)) ? raw_object.attachment : []
// Fetch function
// Callback takes 3 parameters: load_ok, fetched_object, failure_message
ASObject.fetch = function(url, token, callback) {
if (typeof url === 'object') {
// No need to fetch: already an object
const obj = new ASObject(url)
obj.load(token, function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
callback(true, obj, undefined)
} else {
callback(false, undefined, failure_message)
} else {
// Use ActivityPub protocol to get the object
// The id is the link to the object on the server
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
const answer = JSON.parse(request.responseText)
if (answer) {
const obj = new ASObject(answer)
obj.load(token, function(load_ok, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
callback(true, obj, undefined)
} else {
callback(false, undefined, 'Unable to retrieve actors of objects.')
} else {
callback(false, undefined, 'Unable to retrieve object.')
} else if (request.readyState == 4) {
callback(false, undefined, 'Error during retrieval of object.')
request.open('GET', url, true)
if (token) {
request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token)
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/activity+json')
request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/activity+json')
ASObject.prototype = {
// Load the actors present in the actor, to and cc fields
loadActors: function(token, callback) {
// Load the author
// Try: actor, then attributedTo
var profile = this.raw.actor
if (!profile) {
profile = this.raw.attributedTo
function(load_ok, actor, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
this.actor = actor
// Load the actors in the "to" array, skip to "cc" if there is no "to", and stop is there is no "cc" either
if (this.raw.to && Array.isArray(this.raw.to)) {
this.loadToActors(this.raw.to.values(), token, callback)
} else if (this.raw.to && typeof this.raw.to === 'string') {
// Only one element in the array
this.loadToActors([this.raw.to].values(), token, callback)
} else if (this.raw.cc && Array.isArray(this.raw.cc)) {
this.loadCcActors(this.raw.cc.values(), token, callback)
} else if (this.raw.cc && typeof this.raw.cc === 'string') {
// Only one element in the array
this.loadToActors([this.raw.cc].values(), token, callback)
} else {
callback(true, undefined)
// Load the "To" array
loadToActors: function(iter, token, callback) {
const next = iter.next()
if (next.done) {
// Finished: load the "cc" array (if possible)
if (this.raw.cc && Array.isArray(this.raw.cc)) {
this.loadCcActors(this.raw.cc.values(), token, callback)
} else if (this.raw.cc && typeof this.raw.cc === 'string') {
// Only one element in the array
this.loadToActors([this.raw.cc].values(), token, callback)
} else {
callback(true, undefined)
} else {
const profile = next.value
function(load_ok, actor, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
} else {
// Collection ?
this.loadToActors(iter, token, callback)
// Load the "Cc" array
loadCcActors: function(iter, token, callback) {
const next = iter.next()
if (next.done) {
callback(true, undefined)
} else {
const profile = next.value
function(load_ok, actor, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
} else {
// Collection ?
this.loadCcActors(iter, token, callback)
// Load everything
load: function(token, callback) {
this.loadActors(token, callback)
// Exported structures
exports.ASObject = ASObject