
124 lines
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// Actor class
// ActorInfo structure
var ActorInfo = function() {}
ActorInfo.prototype = {
display_name: undefined,
summary: undefined,
icon: undefined,
type: undefined
// ActorUrls structure
var ActorUrls = function() {}
ActorUrls.prototype = {
profile: undefined,
outbox: undefined,
inbox: undefined,
followers: undefined,
following: undefined,
oauth_token: undefined,
oauth_registration: undefined,
oauth_authorization: undefined
// Actor structure
var Actor = function() {
this.info = new ActorInfo()
this.urls = new ActorUrls()
Actor.prototype = {
// Attributes
name: undefined,
server: undefined,
info: undefined,
urls: undefined,
valid: false,
// Methods
// Load from name@server.
// Callback is a function accepting two arguments:
// - a boolean indicating if the loading is complete or in failure,
// - a string indicating the failure
loadFromNameAndServer: function(name, server, callback) {
this.name = name
this.server = server
// Use Webfinger to find the profile URL
var request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
var answer = JSON.parse(request.responseText)
if (answer && answer.links) {
var link = answer.links.find(e => e.type === 'application/activity+json');
var profile = undefined
if (link) {
profile = link.href
if (profile) {
this.loadFromProfileUrl(profile, callback)
} else {
callback(false, 'webfinger: account exists on server, but no ActivityPub account found.')
} else {
callback(false, 'webfinger: incorrect response from server.')
} else if (request.readyState == 4) {
callback(false, 'webfinger: server error')
request.open('GET', 'https://' + server + '/.well-known/webfinger' + '?resource=acct:' + name + '@' + server, true)
// Indicate if the type is compatible with an actor
isExpectedActorType: function(actorType) {
return (actorType === 'Application') || (actorType === 'Group') || (actorType === 'Organization') || (actorType === 'Person') || (actorType === 'Service')
// Load from the link identifying the account
// Callback is a function accepting two arguments:
// - a boolean indicating if the loading is complete or in failure,
// - a string indicating the failure
loadFromProfileUrl: function(profile_url, callback) {
this.urls.profile = profile_url
// Use ActivityPub protocol to get the user infos
var request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
var answer = JSON.parse(request.responseText)
if (answer && this.isExpectedActorType(answer.type)) {
// name and server are previously filled if called from loadFromNameAndServer
if (!this.name) {
this.name = answer.preferredUsername
if (!this.server) {
this.server = profile_url.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').split(/[/?#]/)[0]
this.info.display_name = answer.name
this.info.summary = answer.summary
this.info.icon = answer.icon ? answer.icon.url : undefined
this.info.type = answer.type
this.urls.outbox = answer.outbox
this.urls.inbox = answer.inbox
this.urls.followers = answer.followers
this.urls.following = answer.following
if (answer.endpoints) {
this.urls.oauth_token = answer.endpoints.oauthTokenEndpoint
this.urls.oauth_registration = answer.endpoints.oauthRegistrationEndpoint
this.urls.oauth_authorization = answer.endpoints.oauthAuthorizationEndpoint
this.valid = true
callback(true, 'ok')
} else {
callback(false, 'user profile: incorrect response from server')
} else if (request.readyState == 4) {
callback(false, 'user profile: server error')
request.open('GET', profile_url, true)
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/activity+json')
request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/activity+json')
// Exported structures
exports.Actor = Actor