
922 lines
31 KiB

// Implementation of Activity Vocabulary, with extension for ActivityPub
// https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary
// https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub
// Note: their prototypes are defined after to allow the definition of ObjectFetcher
// Base for other elements - to put things in common
const ASBase = function() {}
// Core types
const ASObject = function() {}
const ASLink = function() {}
const ASActivity = function() {}
const ASIntransitiveActivity = function() {}
const ASCollection = function() {}
const ASOrderedCollection = function() {}
const ASCollectionPage = function() {}
const ASOrderedCollectionPage = function() {}
// Extension for modelisation of ActivityPub actors
const ASActor = function() {}
// Extended Types
// Activity Types
const ASAccept = function() {}
const ASAdd = function() {}
const ASAnnounce = function() {}
const ASArrive = function() {}
const ASBlock = function() {}
const ASCreate = function() {}
const ASDelete = function() {}
const ASDislike = function() {}
const ASFlag = function() {}
const ASFollow = function() {}
const ASIgnore = function() {}
const ASInvite = function() {}
const ASJoin = function() {}
const ASLeave = function() {}
const ASLike = function() {}
const ASListen = function() {}
const ASMove = function() {}
const ASOffer = function() {}
const ASQuestion = function() {}
const ASReject = function() {}
const ASRead = function() {}
const ASRemove = function() {}
const ASTentativeReject = function() {}
const ASTentativeAccept = function() {}
const ASTravel = function() {}
const ASUndo = function() {}
const ASUpdate = function() {}
const ASView = function() {}
// Actor Types
const ASApplication = function() {}
const ASGroup = function() {}
const ASOrganization = function() {}
const ASPerson = function() {}
const ASService = function() {}
// Object Types
const ASArticle = function() {}
const ASAudio = function() {}
const ASDocument = function() {}
const ASEvent = function() {}
const ASImage = function() {}
const ASNote = function() {}
const ASPage = function() {}
const ASPlace = function() {}
const ASProfile = function() {}
const ASRelationship = function() {}
const ASTombstone = function() {}
const ASVideo = function() {}
// Link Types
const ASMention = function() {}
// Object fetcher
// Convert resources from the resource fetcher into Activity objects
import {TokenCollection} from './token-collection.js'
const Fetcher = {
// Cache of already accessed objects
knownObjects: {},
// Get an object
// Callback signature is function(load_ok, fetched_object, failure_message)
get: function(id, callback) {
if (Fetcher.knownObjects[id]) {
callback(true, Fetcher.knownObjects[id], '')
} else {
Fetcher.refresh(id, callback)
// Refresh a resource
// Callback signature is function(load_ok, fetched_object, failure_message)
refresh: function(id, callback) {
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
const answer = JSON.parse(request.responseText)
if (answer) {
// Build the object
const obj = Fetcher.fromJson(answer)
Fetcher.knownObjects[id] = obj
callback(true, obj, undefined)
} else {
callback(false, 'Unexpected answer from server when fetching object.')
} else if (request.readyState == 4) {
callback(false, 'Server error when fetching object (' + request.status + ').')
request.open('GET', id, true)
const token = TokenCollection.get(id)
if (token) {
request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token)
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/activity+json')
request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/activity+json')
// Build from type name
_type_from_name: {
// Core types
'Object': ASObject,
'Link': ASLink,
'Activity': ASActivity,
'IntransitiveActivity': ASIntransitiveActivity,
'Collection': ASCollection,
'OrderedCollection': ASOrderedCollection,
'CollectionPage': ASCollectionPage,
'OrderedCollectionPage': ASOrderedCollectionPage,
'Actor': ASActor,
// Activity Types
'Accept': ASAccept,
'Add': ASAdd,
'Announce': ASAnnounce,
'Arrive': ASArrive,
'Block': ASBlock,
'Create': ASCreate,
'Delete': ASDelete,
'Dislike': ASDislike,
'Flag': ASFlag,
'Follow': ASFollow,
'Ignore': ASIgnore,
'Invite': ASInvite,
'Join': ASJoin,
'Leave': ASLeave,
'Like': ASLike,
'Listen': ASListen,
'Move': ASMove,
'Offer': ASOffer,
'Question': ASQuestion,
'Reject': ASReject,
'Read': ASRead,
'Remove': ASRemove,
'TentativeReject': ASTentativeReject,
'TentativeAccept': ASTentativeAccept,
'Travel': ASTravel,
'Undo': ASUndo,
'Update': ASUpdate,
'View': ASView,
// Actor Types
'Application': ASApplication,
'Group': ASGroup,
'Organization': ASOrganization,
'Person': ASPerson,
'Service': ASService,
// Object Types
'Article': ASArticle,
'Audio': ASAudio,
'Document': ASDocument,
'Event': ASEvent,
'Image': ASImage,
'Note': ASNote,
'Page': ASPage,
'Place': ASPlace,
'Profile': ASProfile,
'Relationship': ASRelationship,
'Tombstone': ASTombstone,
'Video': ASVideo,
// Link Types
'Mention': ASMention,
// Add additionnal types
addType: function(name, type) {
Fetcher._type_from_name[name] = type
// Build an object of the right type from its json representation
fromJson: function(raw) {
const result = Fetcher._type_from_name[raw.type] ? new (Fetcher._type_from_name[raw.type])() : new ASBase()
return result
// ASBase prototype
ASBase.prototype = {
// Raw representation of the element
_raw: undefined,
// Description of the properties
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// Those are directly copied from/to raw into the object
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ['id', 'type'],
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// Those need an additional fetch from raw, and special handling when converting back to raw
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: [ /*empty*/ ],
// Properties
id: undefined, // Id of element
type: undefined, // Type of element
// Methods
// Load from a Json representation
fromJson: function(raw) {
this._raw = raw
// copy everything expected from raw
this._alwaysAvailable.map(function(elem) {
this[elem] = raw[elem]
// Copy everything expected from raw, fetchAttribute should be used to retrieve the values when needed
this._mayNeedFetch.map(function(elem) {
this[elem] = raw[elem]
// Convert to Json representation
updateRaw: function() {
this._raw = {}
// Copy everything of _alwaysAvailable into raw
this._alwaysAvailable.map(function(elem) {
this._raw[elem] = this[elem]
// Use getAttributeRawValue for everything of _mayNeedFetch
this._mayNeedFetch.map(function(elem) {
this._raw[elem] = this.getAttributeRawValue(this[elem])
// Utilitary function to use for updating raw data
// Returns either:
// - val.id if it exists
// - val._raw if val.updateRaw exists, after a call to val.updateRaw()
// - val in other cases
getAttributeRawValue: function(val) {
if (val && val.id) {
return val.id
} else if (val && val.updateRaw) {
return val._raw
} else {
return val
// For fetching properties
// Fetch a property
// After fromJson has been called, the attributes may not be yet in a usable format, notably those which can be objects
// This method fetch and convert an attribute in a usable format
// Callback signature is function(load_ok, failure_message)
// Note: done this way to avoid fetching all resources in fromJson, but only when they are needed
fetchAttribute: function(attribute_name, callback) {
this._fetchAttribute(attribute_name, Fetcher.get, callback)
refreshAttribute: function(attribute_name, callback) {
this._fetchAttribute(attribute_name, Fetcher.refresh, callback)
// Private method, with fetcher function to call
_fetchAttribute: function(attribute_name, fetch_func, callback) {
const attribute_value = this[attribute_name]
if (this._alwaysAvailable.includes(attribute_name)) {
// Those attributes are always available in a usable format, no need to fetch
callback(true, undefined)
} else if (!this._mayNeedFetch.includes(attribute_name)) {
// Invalid call: the asked attribute cannot be fetched
callback(false, 'Invalid argument to fetchAttribute: ' + attribute_name + ' cannot be fetched.')
} else if ((typeof attribute_value === undefined) || (typeof attribute_value === null)) {
// Nothing to do
callback(true, undefined)
} else if (Array.isArray(attribute_value)) {
// Attribute is an array of elements. Each element should be converted.
this._fetchAndConvertAllAttributeValue(attribute_value.values(), fetch_func, function(load_ok, fetched_value, failure_message) {
// Update value of attribute
this[attribute_name] = fetched_value
callback(load_ok, failure_message)
} else if ((typeof attribute_value === 'object') && (attribute_value._raw !== undefined)) {
// Attribute has already been fetched
callback(true, undefined)
} else {
// Convertion needed
this._fetchAndConvertAttributeValue(attribute_value, fetch_func, function(load_ok, fetched_value, failure_message) {
// Update value of attribute
this[attribute_name] = fetched_value
callback(load_ok, failure_message)
// Fetch all elements of an array iterator to populate a result array
// Callback signature is function(load_ok, fetched_value, failure_message)
_fetchAndConvertAllAttributeValue: function(iter, fetch_func, callback, ret_value, previous_errors) {
const next = iter.next()
if (next.done) {
callback(true, ret_value, (previous_errors === '') ? undefined : previous_errors)
} else {
this._fetchAndConvertAttributeValue(next.value, fetch_func, function(load_ok, fetched_value, failure_message) {
var values = ret_value ? ret_value : []
const msg_errors = (previous_errors ? previous_errors : '') + (load_ok ? '' : '<br/>' + failure_message)
if (load_ok) {
} else {
// Don't stop at first error, but cumulate error messages
// Next
this._fetchAndConvertAllAttributeValue(iter, fetch_func, callback, values, msg_errors)
// Fetch an attribute value
// Callback signature is function(load_ok, fetched_value, failure_message)
_fetchAndConvertAttributeValue: function(attribute_value, fetch_func, callback) {
if ((attribute_value === undefined) || (attribute_value === null)) {
// attribute is not present, return it as is
callback(true, attribute_value, undefined)
} else if (typeof attribute_value === 'object') {
// In object format already, as a Json value,
// use Fetcher.fromJson
callback(true, Fetcher.fromJson(attribute_value), undefined)
} else if (typeof attribute_value === 'string') {
// Link => fetch value
fetch_func(attribute_value, function(load_ok, obj, failure_message) {
if (load_ok) {
callback(true, obj, undefined)
} else {
callback(false, undefined, failure_message)
} else {
// Should not happen
callback(false, undefined, 'Unexpected type of attribute.')
// Fetch several attributes at the same time
// Callback signature is function(load_ok, failure_message)
fetchAttributeList: function (attribute_lst, callback) {
this._fetchAttributeList(attribute_lst, Fetcher.get, callback)
refreshAttributeList: function (attribute_lst, callback) {
this._fetchAttributeList(attribute_lst, Fetcher.refresh, callback)
_fetchAttributeList: function (attribute_lst, fetch_func, callback) {
this._fetchAttributeListIter(attribute_lst.values(), fetch_func, callback, undefined)
_fetchAttributeListIter: function (attribute_lst, fetch_func, callback, previous_errors) {
const next = attribute_lst.next()
if (next.done) {
callback(true, (previous_errors === '') ? undefined : previous_errors)
} else {
this._fetchAttribute(next.value, fetch_func, function(load_ok, failure_message) {
const msg_errors = (previous_errors ? previous_errors : '') + (load_ok ? '' : '<br/>' + failure_message)
if (!load_ok) {
// Don't stop at first error, but cumulate error messages
// Next
this._fetchAttributeListIter(attribute_lst, fetch_func, callback, msg_errors)
// ASObject prototype
ASObject.prototype = Object.create(ASBase.prototype)
// Attributes
attachment: undefined,
attributedTo: undefined,
audience: undefined,
content: undefined,
context: undefined,
name: undefined,
endTime: undefined,
generator: undefined,
icon: undefined,
image: undefined,
inReplyTo: undefined,
location: undefined,
preview: undefined,
published: undefined,
replies: undefined,
startTime: undefined,
summary: undefined,
tag: undefined,
updated: undefined,
url: undefined,
to: undefined,
bto: undefined,
cc: undefined,
bcc: undefined,
mediaType: undefined,
duration: undefined,
// defined in ActivityPub
source: undefined,
likes: undefined,
shares: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASBase.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
'content', 'name', 'endTime', 'published', 'startTime', 'summary', 'updated', 'url',
'mediaType', 'duration',
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASBase.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
'attachment', 'attributedTo', 'audience', 'context', 'generator', 'icon', 'image', 'inReplyTo',
'location', 'preview', 'replies', 'tag', 'to', 'bto', 'cc', 'bcc', 'source', 'likes', 'shares'
ASObject.prototype.constructor = ASObject
// ASLink prototype
ASLink.prototype = Object.create(ASBase.prototype)
// Attributes
href: undefined,
rel: undefined,
mediaType: undefined,
name: undefined,
hreflang: undefined,
height: undefined,
width: undefined,
preview: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASBase.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
'href', 'rel', 'mediaType', 'name', 'hreflang', 'height', 'width',
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASBase.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
ASLink.prototype.constructor = ASLink
// ASActivity prototype
ASActivity.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
// Attributes
actor: undefined,
object: undefined,
target: undefined,
result: undefined,
origin: undefined,
instrument: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASObject.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASObject.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
'actor', 'object', 'target', 'result', 'origin', 'instrument',
ASActivity.prototype.constructor = ASActivity
// ASIntransitiveActivity prototype
// Note: the object field is not removed from ASActivity
ASIntransitiveActivity.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASIntransitiveActivity.prototype.constructor = ASIntransitiveActivity
// ASCollection prototype
ASCollection.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
// Attributes
totalItems: undefined,
current: undefined,
first: undefined,
last: undefined,
items: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASObject.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASObject.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
'current', 'first', 'last', 'items'
ASCollection.prototype.constructor = ASCollection
// ASOrderedCollection prototype
ASOrderedCollection.prototype = Object.create(ASCollection.prototype)
// Attributes
orderedItems: undefined, // Shouldn't be needed, as it has the same meaning as 'items' of ASCollection, but present in implementations
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASCollection.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASCollection.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
ASOrderedCollection.prototype.constructor = ASOrderedCollection
// ASCollectionPage prototype
ASCollectionPage.prototype = Object.create(ASCollection.prototype)
// Attributes
partOf: undefined,
next: undefined,
prev: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASCollection.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASCollection.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
'partOf', 'next', 'prev',
ASCollectionPage.prototype.constructor = ASCollectionPage
// ASOrderedCollectionPage prototype
// Specification says that it inherits from both ASCollectionPage and ASOrderedCollection,
ASOrderedCollectionPage.prototype = Object.create(ASCollectionPage.prototype)
Object.assign(ASOrderedCollectionPage.prototype, ASOrderedCollection.prototype)
// Helping function for removing duplicates
const unique = function(arr) {
return arr.filter(function (elem, idx) { return idx === arr.indexOf(elem) })
// Attributes
startIndex: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: unique(ASOrderedCollection.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat(ASCollectionPage.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: unique(ASOrderedCollection.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat(ASCollectionPage.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
ASOrderedCollectionPage.prototype.constructor = ASOrderedCollectionPage
// ASActor
// Defined from the ActivityPub spec, which adds fields to actor types
ASActor.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
// Attributes
inbox: undefined,
outbox: undefined,
following: undefined,
followers: undefined,
liked: undefined,
streams: undefined,
preferredUsername: undefined,
endpoints: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASObject.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
'preferredUsername', 'endpoints',
// Note: endpoints should be in the _mayNeedFetch, but it is usually not represented with a vocabulary object, so no type associated
// However, in the observed implementations, this structure is always provided in the actor
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASObject.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
'inbox', 'outbox', 'following', 'followers', 'liked', 'streams',
ASActor.prototype.constructor = ASActor
// Extended Types
// Activity Types
// ASAccept prototype
ASAccept.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASAccept.prototype.constructor = ASAccept
// ASTentativeAccept prototype
ASTentativeAccept.prototype = Object.create(ASAccept.prototype)
ASAccept.prototype.constructor = ASAccept
// ASAdd prototype
ASAdd.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASAdd.prototype.constructor = ASAdd
// ASArrive prototype
ASArrive.prototype = Object.create(ASIntransitiveActivity.prototype)
ASArrive.prototype.constructor = ASArrive
// ASCreate prototype
ASCreate.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASCreate.prototype.constructor = ASCreate
// ASDelete prototype
ASDelete.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASDelete.prototype.constructor = ASDelete
// ASFollow prototype
ASFollow.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASFollow.prototype.constructor = ASFollow
// ASIgnore prototype
ASIgnore.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASIgnore.prototype.constructor = ASIgnore
// ASJoin prototype
ASJoin.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASJoin.prototype.constructor = ASJoin
// ASLeave prototype
ASLeave.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASLeave.prototype.constructor = ASLeave
// ASLike prototype
ASLike.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASLike.prototype.constructor = ASLike
// ASOffer prototype
ASOffer.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASOffer.prototype.constructor = ASOffer
// ASInvite prototype
ASInvite.prototype = Object.create(ASOffer.prototype)
ASInvite.prototype.constructor = ASInvite
// ASReject prototype
ASReject.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASReject.prototype.constructor = ASReject
// ASTentativeReject prototype
ASTentativeReject.prototype = Object.create(ASReject.prototype)
ASTentativeReject.prototype.constructor = ASTentativeReject
// ASRemove prototype
ASRemove.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASRemove.prototype.constructor = ASRemove
// ASUndo prototype
ASUndo.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASUndo.prototype.constructor = ASUndo
// ASUpdate prototype
ASUpdate.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASUpdate.prototype.constructor = ASUpdate
// ASView prototype
ASView.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASView.prototype.constructor = ASView
// ASListen prototype
ASListen.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASListen.prototype.constructor = ASListen
// ASRead prototype
ASRead.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASRead.prototype.constructor = ASRead
// ASMove prototype
ASMove.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASMove.prototype.constructor = ASMove
// ASTravel prototype
ASTravel.prototype = Object.create(ASIntransitiveActivity.prototype)
ASTravel.prototype.constructor = ASTravel
// ASAnnounce prototype
ASAnnounce.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASAnnounce.prototype.constructor = ASAnnounce
// ASBlock prototype
ASBlock.prototype = Object.create(ASIgnore.prototype)
ASBlock.prototype.constructor = ASBlock
// ASFlag prototype
ASFlag.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASFlag.prototype.constructor = ASFlag
// ASDislike prototype
ASDislike.prototype = Object.create(ASActivity.prototype)
ASDislike.prototype.constructor = ASDislike
// ASQuestion prototype
ASQuestion.prototype = Object.create(ASIntransitiveActivity.prototype)
// Attributes
oneOf: undefined,
anyOf: undefined,
closed: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASIntransitiveActivity.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASIntransitiveActivity.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
'oneOf', 'anyOf',
ASQuestion.prototype.constructor = ASQuestion
// Actor Types
// ASApplication prototype
ASApplication.prototype = Object.create(ASActor.prototype)
ASApplication.prototype.constructor = ASApplication
// ASGroup prototype
ASGroup.prototype = Object.create(ASActor.prototype)
ASGroup.prototype.constructor = ASGroup
// ASOrganization prototype
ASOrganization.prototype = Object.create(ASActor.prototype)
ASOrganization.prototype.constructor = ASOrganization
// ASPerson prototype
ASPerson.prototype = Object.create(ASActor.prototype)
ASPerson.prototype.constructor = ASPerson
// ASService prototype
ASService.prototype = Object.create(ASActor.prototype)
ASService.prototype.constructor = ASService
// ASRelationship prototype
ASRelationship.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
// Attributes
subject: undefined,
object: undefined,
relationship: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASObject.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASObject.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
'subject', 'object', 'relationship',
ASRelationship.prototype.constructor = ASRelationship
// ASArticle prototype
ASArticle.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
ASArticle.prototype.constructor = ASArticle
// ASDocument prototype
ASDocument.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
ASDocument.prototype.constructor = ASDocument
// ASAudio prototype
ASAudio.prototype = Object.create(ASDocument.prototype)
ASAudio.prototype.constructor = ASAudio
// ASImage prototype
ASImage.prototype = Object.create(ASDocument.prototype)
ASImage.prototype.constructor = ASImage
// ASVideo prototype
ASVideo.prototype = Object.create(ASDocument.prototype)
ASVideo.prototype.constructor = ASVideo
// ASNote prototype
ASNote.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
ASNote.prototype.constructor = ASNote
// ASPage prototype
ASPage.prototype = Object.create(ASDocument.prototype)
ASPage.prototype.constructor = ASPage
// ASEvent prototype
ASEvent.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
ASEvent.prototype.constructor = ASEvent
// ASPlace prototype
ASPlace.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
// Attributes
accuracy: undefined,
altitude: undefined,
latitude: undefined,
longitude: undefined,
radius: undefined,
units: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASObject.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
'accuracy', 'altitude', 'latitude', 'longitude',
'radius', 'units',
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASObject.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
ASPlace.prototype.constructor = ASPlace
// ASProfile prototype
ASProfile.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
// Attributes
describes: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASObject.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASObject.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
ASProfile.prototype.constructor = ASProfile
// ASTombstone prototype
ASTombstone.prototype = Object.create(ASObject.prototype)
// Attributes
formerType: undefined,
deleted: undefined,
// Array of properties that do not need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_alwaysAvailable: ASObject.prototype._alwaysAvailable.concat([
'formerType', 'deleted',
// Array of properties that may need to be fetched
// This array should be overwritten when inheriting prototypes (by completing it)
_mayNeedFetch: ASObject.prototype._mayNeedFetch.concat([
ASTombstone.prototype.constructor = ASTombstone
// Link Types
// ASMention prototype
ASMention.prototype = Object.create(ASLink.prototype)
ASMention.prototype.constructor = ASMention
// Exported structures
export {
// Fetcher
// Core types
// Activity types
// Actor types
// Object types
// Link types