Daily island page & postbot

This commit is contained in:
Feufochmar 2020-11-10 18:31:12 +01:00
parent 51a529a677
commit 2bf9c99567
5 changed files with 331 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
; Website
(define *website*
@ -51,7 +52,13 @@
; Road Map
("RoadMap" weblet pages:road-map
("Raw" weblet pages:road-map-raw-image))
("Raw" weblet pages:road-map-raw-image)
; Daily Island
("DailyIsland" weblet pages:daily-island
("Archives" weblet pages:daily-island-archives)
("About" weblet pages:daily-island-about)
; Other generators
("Generators" weblet pages:other-generators
("ColorScheme" weblet pages:color-scheme-generator)
@ -84,6 +91,10 @@
("Flag Generator" "/FlagGenerator" #f
("About the flag generator" "/FlagGenerator/About" #f)
("Daily Island" "/DailyIsland" #f
("Archives" "/DailyIsland/Archives" #f)
("About" "/DailyIsland/About" #f)
("Miscellaneous Generators" "/Generators" #f
("Color Scheme" "/Generators/ColorScheme" #f)
("Pictogrammic Adventurer" "/Generators/PictogrammicAdventurer" #t)

postbot/daily-island.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#lang racket
(require "mastodon.rkt"
; Seed the RNG
(random-seed (current-seconds))
(define islands-directory "static/islands/")
(define island-link-base "http://feuforeve.fr/DailyIsland?date=")
; Today's date in string
(define today
(parameterize ((date-display-format 'iso-8601))
(seconds->date (current-seconds)))))
; Send to mastodon
; Two images are uploaded with the status
(let* ((client (new mastodon-client% [instance daily-island:mastodon-instance] [authorization-bearer daily-island:mastodon-authorization-bearer]))
(media-alt-riv-cit (send client upload-media (string-append islands-directory today "/altitude+rivers+cities.png") "image/png"))
(media-blk-ter-cit (send client upload-media (string-append islands-directory today "/blank+territories+cities.png") "image/png"))
(display media-alt-riv-cit)(newline)
(display media-blk-ter-cit)(newline)
(send client
"Today's Island:\n"
island-link-base today
#:visibility "public"
#:media-ids (list
(hash-ref media-alt-riv-cit 'id)
(hash-ref media-blk-ter-cit 'id)

src/pages/island.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
#lang racket/base
; Daily island pages
; Island directory
(define island-dir "/islands")
; About page
(define pages:daily-island-about
#:title "About the Daily Island"
#:author "Feufochmar"
#:date "2020-11-10"
"The Daily Island is an island map generated every day. "
"The layers of the map can be hidden and displayed "
"using the controls left of the map. ")
"A previous version generated islands maps as interactive SVG images, "
"using an hexagonal grid. " (br)
"The current version uses a rectangular grid and the layers are generated "
"as PNG images. ")
"A Mastodon bot, " (a ((href "https://botsin.space/@DailyIsland")) "@DailyIsland@botsin.space") ", "
"publishes the generated map twice a day on the Fediverse.")
(h3 "Licence of the generated maps")
(p "I don't care at all about what you could do with the generated islands, "
"so those are released under the "
(a ((href "http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/"))
"Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication") ".")))))
; Archive page
(define pages:daily-island-archives
#:title "Archives of the Daily Island"
#:author "feuforeve.fr"
(lambda (param)
(define islands (reverse (map path->string (directory-list (string-append "static" island-dir)))))
(if (null? islands)
'(article "No archives.")
(lambda (x)
`(div (a ((href ,(string-append "/DailyIsland?date=" x))) ,x)))
; Daily Island page
(define pages:daily-island
#:title "Daily Island"
#:author "feuforeve.fr"
#:stylesheets '("/css/daily-island.css")
#:scripts '("/scripts/daily-island.js")
(lambda (param)
(define (today-string)
(parameterize ((date-display-format 'iso-8601))
(date->string (current-date))))
(define date (weblet-parameter-ref param 'date #f))
(define (island-path day) (string-append island-dir "/" day))
(define today (or (and date (directory-exists? (string-append "static" (island-path date))) date)
(define today-path (island-path today))
; Helpers
(define (zone-description name color)
`(div (span ((class "daily-island-zone")(style ,(string-append "background:rgb(" color ");"))) "") " " ,name))
(define (path-description name color)
`(div (svg ((width "30")(height "15")(version "1.1")(xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")(xmlns:xlink "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"))
(rect ((x "0")(y "0")(width "30")(height "15")(style "fill:rgb(255,255,255);")))
(path ((d "M 0,10 L 10,5 L 20,10 L 30,5")
(style ,(string-append "fill:none;stroke:rgb(" color ");stroke-width:2;")))))
" " ,name))
; Content
(section ((class "controls"))
(h3 "Layer controls")
(h4 "Background")
(input ((type "button")(value "Altitude")(onclick "updateBackground('altitude');")))(br)
(input ((type "button")(value "Biomes")(onclick "updateBackground('biomes');")))(br)
(input ((type "button")(value "Rainfall")(onclick "updateBackground('rainfall');")))(br)
(input ((type "button")(value "Temperatures")(onclick "updateBackground('temperature');")))(br)
(input ((type "button")(value "Blank")(onclick "updateBackground('blank');")))(br)
(h4 "Foreground")
(input ((type "button")(value "Rivers")(onclick "toggleLayer('rivers');")))(br)
(input ((type "button")(value "Roads")(onclick "toggleLayer('roads');")))(br)
(input ((type "button")(value "Administrative limits")(onclick "toggleLayer('territories');")))(br)
(input ((type "button")(value "Cities")(onclick "toggleLayer('cities');")))(br)
(section ((class "map"))
(svg ((width "800")
(height "800")
(version "1.1")
(xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")
(xmlns:xlink "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"))
(rect ((width "800")(height "800")(style "fill:rgb(20, 75, 184);")))
(image ((id "blank")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/blank.png"))(width "800")(height "800")))
(image ((id "altitude")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/altitude.png"))(width "800")(height "800")))
(image ((id "biomes")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/biomes.png"))(width "800")(height "800")(style "display:none;")))
(image ((id "rainfall")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/rainfall.png"))(width "800")(height "800")(style "display:none;")))
(image ((id "temperature")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/temperature.png"))(width "800")(height "800")(style "display:none;")))
(image ((id "territories")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/territories.png"))(width "800")(height "800")(style "display:none;")))
(image ((id "rivers")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/rivers.png"))(width "800")(height "800")))
(image ((id "roads")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/roads.png"))(width "800")(height "800")(style "display:none;")))
(image ((id "cities")(xlink:href ,(string-append today-path "/cities.png"))(width "800")(height "800")))
(section ((class "captions"))
(h4 "Keys")
; Sea & lake
,(zone-description "Sea" "20,75,184")
,(zone-description "Lake" "13,128,242")
; Rivers
,(path-description "Rivers" "13,128,242")
; Roads
,(path-description "Road" "255,0,0")
; Territories
,(path-description "Region limits" "0,0,0")
,(path-description "Canton limits" "95,95,95")
,(path-description "Municipality limits" "190,190,190")
; Cities
(span ((class "daily-island-point")(id "capital")) "") " Island capital" (br)
(span ((class "daily-island-point")(id "city")) "") " Region capital" (br)
(span ((class "daily-island-point")(id "town")) "") " Canton capital" (br)
(span ((class "daily-island-point")(id "village")) "") " Municipality" (br)
; Altitude
(section ((id "altitude-keys"))
(lambda (x) (zone-description (car x) (cadr x)))
'(("Ice shelf" "163,245,245")
("> 3000 m" "127,127,127")
("2600 - 3000 m" "100,100,100")
("2300 - 2600 m" "96,73,57")
("2000 - 2300 m" "77,47,26")
("1750 - 2000 m" "96,58,32")
("1500 - 1750 m" "134,82,45")
("1250 - 1500 m" "172,105,57")
("1000 - 1250 m" "172,105,57")
("800 - 1000 m" "215,153,66")
("650 - 800 m" "235,180,71")
("500 - 650 m" "245,236,137")
("400 - 500 m" "201,237,94")
("300 - 400 m" "153,230,77")
("200 - 300 m" "115,201,29")
("150 - 200 m" "88,184,20")
("100 - 150 m" "62,170,9")
("50 - 100 m" "31,145,8")
("0 - 50 m" "21,128,0")
("-50 - 0 m (land)" "15,113,0")
("-100 - -50 m (land)" "9,98,0")
("< -100 m (land)" "6,83,0")
("-50 - 0 m (sea)" "20,75,184")
("-150 - -50 m (sea)" "10,37,92")
("< -150 m (sea)" "5,18,46"))))
; Biomes
(section ((id "biomes-keys")(style "display: none;"))
(lambda (x) (zone-description (car x) (cadr x)))
'(("Tropical rain forest" "10,194,71")
("Tropical seasonal forest" "153,214,92")
("Savanna" "153,245,61")
("Subtropical desert" "240,179,117")
("Temperate rain forest" "61,245,122")
("Temperate deciduous forest" "68,217,38")
("Boreal forest" "10,194,133")
("Shrubland" "126,173,31")
("Grassland" "207,235,71")
("Ice shelf" "163,245,245")
("Tundra" "26,230,230"))))
; Rainfall
(section ((id "rainfall-keys")(style "display: none;")))
; Temperatures
(section ((id "temperature-keys")(style "display: none;"))
(lambda (x) (zone-description (car x) (cadr x)))
'(("> 35°C" "255,70,70")
("30°C - 35°C" "255,0,0")
("25°C - 30°C" "255,130,0")
("20°C - 25°C" "255,175,0")
("15°C - 20°C" "255,230,0")
("10°C - 15°C" "230,255,0")
("5°C - 10°C" "130,255,0")
("0°C - 5°C" "0,255,255")
("-5°C - 0°C" "0,200,255")
("-10°C - -5°C" "0,115,255")
("-15°C - -10°C" "0,0,255")
("< -15°C" "160,0,255"))))
; Blank
(section ((id "blank-keys")(style "display: none;")))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
.controls {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
margin: 1em;
.map {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
margin: 1em;
.captions {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
margin: 1em;
.daily-island-zone {
width: 30;
height: 15;
border: var(--border);
display: inline-block;
.daily-island-point {
width: 19;
height: 19;
background-image: url('/images/island-cities.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
display: inline-block;
#capital.daily-island-point {
background-position: 0px 0px;
#city.daily-island-point {
background-position: -19px 0px;
#town.daily-island-point {
background-position: -38px 0px;
#village.daily-island-point {
background-position: -57px 0px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
function hideBackgroundLayer(id)
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(id + '-keys').style.display = 'none';
function updateBackground(id)
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'inline';
document.getElementById(id + '-keys').style.display = 'block';
function toggleLayer(id)
var display = document.getElementById(id).style.display;
if (display == 'none') {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'inline';
} else {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';