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#lang racket/base
; Island generator
; Constructor
; Island generation, step 1: generate altitude
(define (island-set-altitude! island)
(define cells (island-cells island))
(define size (min (2d-array-width cells) (2d-array-height cells)))
(define half-size (/ size 2))
(define noise-size (floor (/ size 12)))
(define ns (make-noise 2 noise-size))
(define (block i n) (* n (quotient i n)))
(island-cells island)
(lambda (cell i j)
(* 7
(+ -200
(* 400 (* (sin (/ (* pi i) size)) (sin (/ (* pi j) size))))
(* -100 (+ (expt (- i half-size) 2) (expt (- j half-size) 2)) (/ 2 (* size size)))
(* 200 (noise-gradient-value ns i j))
(* 25 (noise-value ns (block i 3) (block j 3)))
(* 25 (noise-value ns (block i 1) (block j 1)))
; Island generation, step 2: erosion pass
; The erosion pass redistributes the altitudes around the neighbour cells
(define (island-erode! island)
(define cells (island-cells island))
; 1st pass - sum the contribution from all neighbours
(define new-alt-1
(lambda (cell i j)
(define alt (cell-altitude cell))
(lambda (v res)
(define x (+ i (caar v)))
(define y (+ j (cdar v)))
(define factor (cdr v))
((2d-array-inside? cells x y)
(define alt-next (island-altitude island x y))
(+ res (* (- alt-next alt) factor)))
(#t res)))
; each element of the neighbour array is [position . factor]
'([(0 . 1) . 1/8] [(0 . -1) . 1/8] [(1 . 0) . 1/8] [(-1 . 0) . 1/8] ; adjacent
[(1 . 1) . 1/12] [(-1 . 1) . 1/12] [(1 . -1) . 1/12] [(-1 . -1) . 1/12] ; corners
; 2nd pass - sum the contributions from the highest (+) and lowest (-) only
(define new-alt-2
(lambda (alt i j)
(define add-remove
(lambda (v res)
(define x (+ i (car v)))
(define y (+ j (cdr v)))
((2d-array-inside? new-alt-1 x y)
(define alt-next (2d-array-ref new-alt-1 x y))
(define diff-next (- alt-next alt))
(cons (max (car res) diff-next)
(min (cdr res) diff-next)))
(#t res)))
'(0 . 0)
; each element of the neighbour array is position
'((0 . 1) (0 . -1) (1 . 0) (-1 . 0)))) ; adjacent
(+ alt (/ (car add-remove) 3) (/ (cdr add-remove) 3))
; Update the altitudes
(lambda (cell i j)
(2d-array-ref new-alt-2 i j))))
; Island generation, step 3: Add the sea biome
(define (island-set-sea! island)
(island-cells island)
0 0
(lambda (cell)
(set-cell-biome! cell 'sea)
(lambda (init-cell visited-cell)
(and (not (cell-biome visited-cell))
(<= (cell-altitude visited-cell) 0)))
; Island generation, step 4: Temperatures
; Compute the temperature, depending on the altitude and latitude
(define (island-set-temperature! island)
(define lat (+ 20 (random 45))) ; latitude of the island
(island-cells island)
(lambda (cell)
; Altitude is 0 for the sea
(define alt
(or (and (eq? 'sea (cell-biome cell)) 0)
(cell-altitude cell)))
(+ ; Approximative model:
; 28°C at equator, 0°C at 70° lat
; the 1.8 parameters is here to get temperatures at around 20°C at 35° lat, 15°C at 45° lat, 10°C at 55° lat
(+ 28 (* -28 (expt (/ lat 70) 1.8)))
; Usual model for loss of temperature depending on the altitude
(* alt (/ -0.64 100))
; TODO: distance to sea ?
; Wind structure
; Used in rainfall
(struct wind
; Make a list of winds from a main direction and a set of booleans indicating which winds are added
(define (make-winds dir M? A? P? AO? O?)
; main direction
(if M? (list (wind dir 1)) (list))
; adjacents
(if A?
((eq? (car dir) 0) (cons -1 (cdr dir)))
((eq? (cdr dir) 0) (cons (car dir) -1))
(#t (cons (car dir) 0)))
((eq? (car dir) 0) (cons 1 (cdr dir)))
((eq? (cdr dir) 0) (cons (car dir) 1))
(#t (cons 0 (cdr dir))))
; perpendiculars
(if P?
(cons (* -1 (cdr dir)) (car dir))
(cons (cdr dir) (* -1 (car dir)))
; Adjacents' opposites
(if AO?
((eq? (car dir) 0) (cons 1 (* -1 (cdr dir))))
((eq? (cdr dir) 0) (cons (* -1 (car dir)) 1))
(#t (cons (* -1 (car dir)) 0)))
((eq? (car dir) 0) (cons -1 (* -1 (cdr dir))))
((eq? (cdr dir) 0) (cons (* -1 (car dir)) -1))
(#t (cons 0 (* -1 (cdr dir)))))
; Opposite
(if O?
(cons (* -1 (car dir)) (* -1 (cdr dir)))
; Winds + starting pos
(define (pos+winds dir width height M? A? P? AO? O?)
(case dir
; each element is '(start-pos wind ...)
; Wind from NW
((NW) (cons '(0 . 0) (make-winds '(1 . 1) M? A? P? AO? O?)))
; Wind from SW
((SW) (cons `(0 . ,(- height 1)) (make-winds '(1 . -1) M? A? P? AO? O?)))
; Wind from NE
((NE) (cons `(,(- width 1) . 0) (make-winds '(-1 . 1) M? A? P? AO? O?)))
; Wind from SE
((SE) (cons `(,(- width 1) . ,(- height 1)) (make-winds '(-1 . -1) M? A? P? AO? O?)))
; Wind from N
((N) (cons `(,(floor (/ width 2)) . 0) (make-winds '(0 . 1) M? A? P? AO? O?)))
; Wind from S
((S) (cons `(,(floor (/ width 2)) . ,(- height 1)) (make-winds '(0 . -1) M? A? P? AO? O?)))
; Wind from W
((W) (cons `(0 . ,(floor (/ height 2))) (make-winds '(1 . 0) M? A? P? AO? O?)))
; Wind from E
((E) (cons `(,(- width 1) . ,(floor (/ height 2))) (make-winds '(-1 . 0) M? A? P? AO? O?)))
; Island generation, step 5: Set rainfall
; This is done by computing a distance to sea from a dominant wind
(define (island-set-rainfall! island)
(define is-cells (island-cells island))
(define width (2d-array-width is-cells))
(define height (2d-array-height is-cells))
; Directional flood-map function
; Visit every node from a queue and apply the function
; The function should return a value passed to the next cell, or #f to stop
; If the function return non-#f, add the neighbours computed from dirs to the queue
; Repeat until there is no more
(define (directional-flood-map! arr fun pos-queue dirs)
(when (not (queue-empty? pos-queue))
(define val+pos (dequeue! pos-queue))
(define val (car val+pos))
(define pos (cdr val+pos))
(define i (car pos))
(define j (cdr pos))
(define cell (2d-array-ref arr i j))
(define current (fun cell val i j))
(when current
(2d-array-set! arr i j current)
(lambda (x)
(define next-dir (wind-direction x))
(define next-i (+ (car next-dir) i))
(define next-j (+ (cdr next-dir) j))
(when (2d-array-inside? arr next-i next-j)
(enqueue! pos-queue
(+ current (wind-increment x))
(cons next-i next-j)))))
(directional-flood-map! arr fun pos-queue dirs)))
; Function to set the distance to sea with a threshold
(define (make-dist-to-sea-func threshold)
(lambda (cell next i j)
(define icell (2d-array-ref is-cells i j))
(define alt (cell-altitude icell))
(define sea? (eq? 'sea (cell-biome icell)))
(define above-thres? (< threshold alt))
; Next value
(define new
(sea? 0)
(min cell (+ 15 next)))
(#t (min cell next))))
(if (equal? cell new) #f new)))
; Choose a dominant wind: a starting position and winds
(define dominant-wind (random:from-list '(NW SW NE SE N S W E)))
; Distances to sea
(define distances-to-sea
(build-list 3 (lambda (_) (make-2d-array width height +inf.0))))
(lambda (arr thres pos+wind)
(define pos-queue (make-queue))
(enqueue! pos-queue (cons 0 (car pos+wind)))
(make-dist-to-sea-func thres)
(cdr pos+wind)))
'(888 1515 2121)
(pos+winds dominant-wind width height #t #f #f #t #f) ; M + AO
(pos+winds dominant-wind width height #f #t #f #f #t) ; A + O
(pos+winds dominant-wind width height #f #t #t #f #f)) ; A + P
; Convert a distance to sea, altitude and temperature to a rainfall
; The rainfalls decrease with the distance to sea, but increase with altitude
(define (compute-rainfall dists alt temp)
(lambda (dist weight max-dist ret)
(+ ret (* weight (max 0 (/ (- max-dist dist) max-dist)))))
'(175 75 50)
'(75 125 250))
(* alt 1/60)
(* -50 temp 1/50)
; Update island
(lambda (cell i j)
(define alt (cell-altitude cell))
(define temp (cell-temperature cell))
(define dists (map (lambda (arr) (2d-array-ref arr i j)) distances-to-sea))
(set-cell-rainfall! cell (compute-rainfall dists (max alt 0) temp))))
; Island generation, step 6: Determine the river springs
; All places with a rainfall > 100 are candidates for river springs
; However, river springs cannot be placed on two adjacent cells
(define (add-river-springs! island)
; collect all the positions with rainfall > 100, with their rainfall (exclude sea)
(define candidates
(island-cells island)
(lambda (cell i j res)
(if (and (> (cell-rainfall cell) 100)
(not (eq? 'sea (cell-biome cell))))
(list (cons i j) (cell-rainfall cell))
; sort the candidates by decreasing rainfall,
; and set the springs
(lambda (x)
(define i (caar x))
(define j (cdar x))
; check there is no spring on an adjacent tiles in a radius of 2
(when (null?
(lambda (pos)
(island-is-inside? island (+ i (car pos)) (+ j (cdr pos)))
(island-river-spring? island (+ i (car pos)) (+ j (cdr pos)))
'(( 2 . 2) ( 2 . 1) ( 2 . 0) ( 2 . -1) ( 2 . -2)
( 1 . 2) ( 1 . 1) ( 1 . 0) ( 1 . -1) ( 1 . -2)
( 0 . 2) ( 0 . 1) ( 0 . -1) ( 0 . -2)
(-1 . 2) (-1 . 1) (-1 . 0) (-1 . -1) (-1 . -2)
(-2 . 2) (-2 . 1) (-2 . 0) (-2 . -1) (-2 . -2)
; when a spring is found, add the info on the cell and add it to the list of springs of the island
(island-add-river-spring! island i j)))
(sort candidates (lambda (x y) (> (cadr x) (cadr y))))))
; Island generation, step 7: draw the rivers
; When drawing a river, we need to find the next point of the path
(define (draw-river-and-find-next-point island i j cell path river-count)
; Increase the river count of the cell
(set-cell-river-count! cell (+ river-count (cell-river-count cell)))
; find the next point: the surrounding cell with the lower altitude
(define next-position+altitude
(lambda (x)
(define ni (+ i (car x)))
(define nj (+ j (cdr x)))
(list (cons ni nj)
; Outside should be excluded
((not (island-is-inside? island ni nj))
; if there is sea around, move to it in priority
((eq? 'sea (island-biome island ni nj))
(+ -10000 (island-altitude island ni nj)))
; if there is a river around at a lower altitude, but not yet in the path, move to it in priority
((and (< (island-altitude island ni nj) (cell-altitude cell))
(< 0 (island-river-count island ni nj))
(not (member (cons ni nj) path)))
(+ -1000 (island-altitude island ni nj)))
; Other cases
(island-altitude island ni nj))
(lambda (x y) (< (cadr x) (cadr y))))))
; return the next position if it has lower altitude than the current position
; Also set the river count of the corresponding edge
; if there is no next position, return false
(if (< (cadr next-position+altitude) (cell-altitude cell))
(island-edge-between island i j (caar next-position+altitude) (cdar next-position+altitude))
(cell-river-count cell))
(car next-position+altitude))
; From the river spring, draw the river up to the sea or to sinkholes
; The sinkhole will be used later to draw lakes
(define (draw-river-from-spring island spring river-count)
(let loop ((i (car spring))
(j (cdr spring))
(cell (island-get-cell island (car spring) (cdr spring)))
(path (list)))
(define next (draw-river-and-find-next-point island i j cell path river-count))
(define next-cell (and next (island-get-cell island (car next) (cdr next))))
((not next-cell)
; sinkhole reached, stop for now
(set-island-sinkholes! island (append (island-sinkholes island) (list (cons i j)))))
((eq? (cell-biome next-cell) 'sea)
; sea reached, stop
; continue to draw the river
(loop (car next) (cdr next) next-cell (cons next path))))))
; Draw a lakes from a sinkhole
(define (draw-lake-from-sinkhole island sinkhole)
(define i (car sinkhole))
(define j (cdr sinkhole))
; If the sinkhole is already inside a lake, skip completely
(when (not (eq? 'lake (island-biome island i j)))
(define river-count (island-river-count island i j))
(define nb-iter (expt (+ river-count 2) 2)) ; number of iterations for the lake. The larger the river-count, the larger the lake.
; the goal is to find a new "spring" position from where the lake overflows
(let loop ( (iter nb-iter)
(ni i)
(nj j)
(next-points+altitude (list)))
(when (< 0 iter)
; set the lake biome on the cell
(set-cell-biome! (island-get-cell island ni nj) 'lake)
; Reset the river count of the cell
(set-cell-river-count! (island-get-cell island ni nj) 0)
; find the next points to check
; add the neighbours of the current cell that are not lake to the list of next points
; and order it by the lowest altitude
(define next+alt
(lambda (x)
(island-is-inside? island (caar x) (cdar x))
(not (eq? 'lake (island-biome island (caar x) (cdar x))))))
(lambda (x)
(define nni (+ ni (car x)))
(define nnj (+ nj (cdr x)))
(cons (point nni nnj)
(island-altitude island nni nnj)))
(lambda (x y)
(< (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
(when (not (null? next+alt))
(define next (car next+alt))
; if the next point has an altitude lower than the current cell, we continue into a river
; else, we continue to fill the lake from the new position
(if (< (cdr next) (island-altitude island ni nj))
; Change the river count of the edge too
(island-edge-between island ni nj (caar next) (cdar next))
; Start a new river
(draw-river-from-spring island (car next) river-count))
(loop (- iter 1) (caar next) (cdar next) (cdr next+alt))))
; Add rivers
(define (add-rivers! island)
; Step 1: draw the river from the springs
(lambda (spring)
(draw-river-from-spring island spring 1))
(island-river-springs island))
; step 2: draw the lake and river from the sinkholes
(let loop ((lst-sinkholes (island-sinkholes island)))
(when (not (null? lst-sinkholes))
; remove the sinkhole from the list
(set-island-sinkholes! island (cdr lst-sinkholes))
; draw a lake from the sinkhole
; this may end into new sinkhole added at the end of the list of sinkholes
(draw-lake-from-sinkhole island (car lst-sinkholes))
; loop
(loop (island-sinkholes island)))))
; Island generation, step 8: add biomes
(define (island-set-biome! island)
(island-cells island)
(lambda (cell)
(cell-biome cell)
(cell-temperature cell)
(cell-rainfall cell))))))
; Island generation, step 9: generate voronoi cells for the island
; Distance between to points on the island
; Mean between the manhattan distance and the infinite norm
(define (distance-between pos1 pos2)
(define x (abs (- (car pos1) (car pos2))))
(define y (abs (- (cdr pos1) (cdr pos2))))
(/ (+ x y (max x y)) 2))
; Get the closest point of a list from another point
(define (closest-from pnt lst-points)
(lambda (x res)
(define dist (distance-between pnt x))
(if (< dist (cdr res))
(cons x dist)
(cons #f +inf.0) ; Point + distance
; Compute for each cell the closest voronoi center
(define (set-closest-voronoi-center! island)
(island-cells island)
(lambda (cell i j)
; reset the cell-voronoi-center of cell
(set-cell-voronoi-center! cell
(closest-from (point i j) (island-voronoi-centers island))))))
; compute the center of each voronoi cells defined on the island, and set it as the new centers
(define (relax-centers-of-voronoi-cells island)
(define cells (island-cells island))
(define h (make-hash))
; use a statistic version: pick a point on the island and use it to compute the new center
; Instead of using all the cells of the island, only use 10 * (nb of voronoi cells)
(let loop ((n (* 10 (length (island-voronoi-centers island)))))
(when (< 0 n)
(define i (random (2d-array-width cells)))
(define j (random (2d-array-height cells)))
(define vcell (closest-from (point i j) (island-voronoi-centers island)))
(if (hash-has-key? h vcell)
(let ((prev (hash-ref h vcell)))
(hash-set! h vcell
(cons (point-add (point i j) (car prev)) (+ 1 (cdr prev)))))
(hash-set! h vcell
(cons (point i j) 1)))
(loop (- n 1))))
; update the centers
(set-island-voronoi-centers! island
(lambda (k v)
(floor (/ (caar v) (cdr v)))
(floor (/ (cdar v) (cdr v)))))))
; Add the voronoi cells on the island (a cell is represented by its center)
(define (add-voronoi-cells! island)
(define cells (island-cells island))
(define width (2d-array-width cells))
(define height (2d-array-height cells))
(displayln "Computation of centers")
; random centers
(set-island-voronoi-centers! island
; Remove points located in sea and lakes
(lambda (x)
(define biome (island-biome island (car x) (cdr x)))
(and (not (eq? 'sea biome))
(not (eq? 'lake biome))))
; remove identical points
; build the list: each point is randomly choosen
(ceiling (* width height 1/25)) ; number of points: island-width/25 * island-height/25
(lambda (i)
(point (random width) (random height))))))))
; relax twice the points : recompute the voronoi centers from each voronoi cell
(displayln "Relax centers")
(relax-centers-of-voronoi-cells island))
; compute the closest center for each cell
(displayln "Cell computation")
(set-closest-voronoi-center! island))
; Island generation, step 10: add cities
; For each cell, we need to compute a city score
; The city score take several parameters, so the computation is separated in several functions
; City score from the cells surrounding the city (in the 8 directions)
(define (city-score-from-neighbours-with-corners island i j cell)
(lambda (pos res)
(define ni (+ i (car pos)))
(define nj (+ j (cdr pos)))
(define ncell (and (island-is-inside? island ni nj)
(island-get-cell island ni nj)))
(if ncell
(+ res
; penalize the presence of cliffs, prefer plane area
(/ (abs (- (cell-altitude ncell) (cell-altitude cell))) -5)
; take into account the surrounding biomes
(if (or (eq? 'sea (cell-biome ncell))
(eq? 'lake (cell-biome ncell)))
(/ (biome-city-score (cell-biome ncell)) 8))
; take into account the presence of rivers
(* 2 (cell-river-count ncell)))
(+ res 0)))
north-west north north-east
west east
south-west south south-east)))
; City score from the cells surronding the city (in the 4 river directions)
(define (city-score-from-neighbours island i j cell)
(lambda (pos res)
(define ni (+ i (car pos)))
(define nj (+ j (cdr pos)))
(define ncell (and (island-is-inside? island ni nj)
(island-get-cell island ni nj)))
(if ncell
; penalize if there is not enough ground to make a road to the city
(* res
(if (or (eq? 'sea (cell-biome ncell))
(eq? 'lake (cell-biome ncell)))
(* res 1)))
; City score from the cell itself
(define (city-score-from-cell cell)
(+ ; biome of the cell
(biome-city-score (cell-biome cell))
; altitude of the cell: avoid too high altitudes
(max 0 (+ 50 (* -1/10 (cell-altitude cell))))
; avoid being placed on a river
(* -100 (cell-river-count cell))
; avoid dry areas
(cell-rainfall cell)
; Compute the city score for each voronoi center and return a list of possible cities with their score
(define (compute-possible-cities island)
(define candidates (list))
(lambda (x)
(define i (car x))
(define j (cdr x))
(define cell (island-get-cell island (car x) (cdr x)))
; compute the city score
(set-cell-city-score! cell
(+ (city-score-from-cell cell)
(city-score-from-neighbours island i j cell)
(city-score-from-neighbours-with-corners island i j cell)
; exclude places with a too negative score
(when (< -200 (cell-city-score cell))
(set! candidates (cons (make-city (point i j) (cell-city-score cell)) candidates))))
(island-voronoi-centers island))
(lambda (x y) (> (city-score x) (city-score y)))))
; Get the list of city from the closest to the furthest from another city
(define (closest-cities ct lst-cities)
(filter (lambda (x) (not (eq? ct x))) lst-cities) ; remove the city we are checking
(lambda (x y) (< (distance-between (city-position ct) (city-position x))
(distance-between (city-position ct) (city-position y))))))
; Get the closest city from a point
(define (closest-city-from pnt lst-cities)
(lambda (x res)
(define dist (distance-between pnt (city-position x)))
(if (< dist (cdr res))
(cons x dist)
(cons #f +inf.0) ; Point + distance
; Distance between a point and the closest city
(define (horizontal-distance-to-city island pos)
(if (null? (island-cities island))
(city-position (closest-city-from pos (island-cities island))))))
; add a certain number of cities of a given size taken from a list of candidates
; candidates should be sorted by city-score (higher first)
(define (add-cities island candidates nb-cities size min-score min-distance-to-other)
(when (and (< 0 nb-cities)
(not (null? candidates))
(< min-score (city-score (car candidates))))
(define possible-city (car candidates))
(define nb nb-cities)
(define cell
(car (city-position possible-city))
(cdr (city-position possible-city))))
(when (and
(not (cell-city cell))
(< min-distance-to-other (horizontal-distance-to-city island (city-position possible-city))))
(set-city-size! possible-city size)
(set-island-cities! island (cons possible-city (island-cities island)))
(set-cell-city! cell possible-city)
(set! nb (- nb-cities 1)))
(add-cities island (cdr candidates) nb size min-score min-distance-to-other)
; add the cities
(define (add-cities! island)
(define candidates (compute-possible-cities island))
(add-cities island candidates 1 'capital -inf.0 30)
(add-cities island candidates 20 'city 150 30)
(add-cities island candidates 60 'town 0 15)
(add-cities island candidates 120 'village -inf.0 5))
; Island generation, step 11: add subdivisions
; Indicate which city manages a cell
; Add the municipality on cells
(define (add-municipalities island)
; For each voronoi cell, define to which municipality it belongs to (closest municipality)
(lambda (x)
(define cell (island-get-cell island (car x) (cdr x)))
(set-cell-municipality! cell
(closest-city-from x (island-cities island))))
(island-voronoi-centers island))
; For each cell, assign the municipality of its voronoi center
(island-cells island)
(lambda (cell)
(set-cell-municipality! cell
(island-get-cell island
(car (cell-voronoi-center cell))
(cdr (cell-voronoi-center cell))
; Add territories
(define (add-territories! island)
(define capital (car (filter (lambda (x) (eq? 'capital (city-size x))) (island-cities island))))
(define cities (filter (lambda (x) (eq? 'city (city-size x))) (island-cities island)))
(define towns (filter (lambda (x) (eq? 'town (city-size x))) (island-cities island)))
(define villages (filter (lambda (x) (eq? 'village (city-size x))) (island-cities island)))
(define region-capitals (cons capital cities))
(define canton-capitals (append region-capitals towns))
; Add municipalities
(add-municipalities island)
; Add canton
(lambda (ca)
(define pos (city-position ca))
(define cell (island-get-cell island (car pos) (cdr pos)))
(set-cell-canton! cell ca))
; Attach each village to its closest canton-capital
(lambda (vi)
(define pos (city-position vi))
(define cell (island-get-cell island (car pos) (cdr pos)))
(set-cell-canton! cell
(closest-cities vi canton-capitals))))
; Add region
(lambda (re)
(define pos (city-position re))
(define cell (island-get-cell island (car pos) (cdr pos)))
(set-cell-region! cell re))
; Attach each town to its closest region capital
(lambda (tw)
(define pos (city-position tw))
(define cell (island-get-cell island (car pos) (cdr pos)))
(set-cell-region! cell
(closest-cities tw region-capitals))))
; Attach each village to the region capital of its canton capital
(lambda (vi)
(define pos (city-position vi))
(define cell (island-get-cell island (car pos) (cdr pos)))
(define cpos (city-position (cell-canton cell)))
(define ccell (island-get-cell island (car cpos) (cdr cpos)))
(set-cell-region! cell (cell-region ccell)))
; Fix canton & region to be the same as the one of the municipality a cell belongs to
(island-cells island)
(lambda (cell)
(define ct (cell-municipality cell))
(define ct-cell (island-get-cell island (car (city-position ct)) (cdr (city-position ct))))
(define canton (cell-canton ct-cell))
(define region (cell-region ct-cell))
(set-cell-canton! cell canton)
(set-cell-region! cell region))))
; Neighbours
; Add a neighbour to a territory
(define (add-neighbour island type ct1 ct2)
(type island)
(cons ct2 (hash-ref (type island) ct1 (list)))))
; Compute the neighbours of each territories
(define (add-neighbours! island)
; add the neighbours
(island-cells island)
(lambda (cell i j)
; ignore the neighbours when at sea
(when (not (eq? 'sea (cell-biome cell)))
(define municipality (cell-municipality cell))
(define canton (cell-canton cell))
(define region (cell-region cell))
(lambda (dir)
(define ni (+ i (car dir)))
(define nj (+ j (cdr dir)))
(when (island-is-inside? island ni nj)
(define ncell (island-get-cell island ni nj))
(when (not (eq? municipality (cell-municipality ncell)))
(add-neighbour island island-municipality-neighbours municipality (cell-municipality ncell)))
(when (not (eq? canton (cell-canton ncell)))
(add-neighbour island island-canton-neighbours canton (cell-canton ncell)))
(when (not (eq? region (cell-region ncell)))
(add-neighbour island island-region-neighbours region (cell-region ncell)))
; remove the duplications in lists
(lambda (type)
(type island)
(lambda (k v)
(hash-set! (type island) k (remove-duplicates v)))))
; Island generation, step 12: add roads
; Link cities with roads
; Compute the cost to move from a cell to another
; If #f is returned, no road can be built between a cell and its neighbour
(define (road-cost island origin direction)
(define i (car origin))
(define j (cdr origin))
(define cell (island-get-cell island i j))
(define ni (+ i (car direction)))
(define nj (+ j (cdr direction)))
; The next must be inside
( (not (island-is-inside? island ni nj))
( (or (not (biome-new-road-cost (cell-biome (island-get-cell island ni nj)))) ; the biome forbids a road
(and (< 0 (cell-river-count cell))
(< 0 (cell-river-count (island-get-cell island ni nj)))) ; the current cell and next cell are rivers
; Other cases
(define ncell (island-get-cell island ni nj))
(biome-new-road-cost (cell-biome ncell))
(abs (- (cell-altitude ncell) (cell-altitude cell))) ; avoid to much slopes
; a bridge should be built if there is a river, only the first bridge is penalized
(* 1.2 (cell-river-count ncell))
; avoid mountains
((< 2100 (cell-altitude ncell)) 100)
((< 1800 (cell-altitude ncell)) 50)
((< 1500 (cell-altitude ncell)) 25)
((< 1200 (cell-altitude ncell)) 12)
((< 900 (cell-altitude ncell)) 6)
(#t 0))
; If there is already a road, reduce the cost
(if (< 0 (cell-road-count ncell))
(+ 1 (/ (cell-road-count ncell) 3))
; If there is a city, further reduce the cost
(if (cell-city ncell)
; Compute the heuristic cost of a cell
(define (heuristic-cost island origin destination)
(define i (car origin))
(define j (cdr origin))
(define di (car destination))
(define dj (cdr destination))
(* 1000 (distance-between origin destination))
(abs (- (island-altitude island i j) (island-altitude island di dj)))))
; Draw a road
(define (draw-road island origin-city destination-city count road-cost-function heuristic-cost-function)
(let loop ((road (or (island-pathfind
(city-position origin-city) (city-position destination-city)
road-cost-function heuristic-cost-function)
(cities-on-path (list))
( (null? road)
; End by connecting the cities to each others
(lambda (ct)
(lambda (ct2)
(hash-set! (city-roads-to ct) ct2 #t))
; Draw the road
(define current (car road))
(define cell (island-get-cell island (car current) (cdr current)))
(define next (and (not (null? (cdr road))) (cadr road)))
(define edge (and next
(car current) (cdr current)
(car next) (cdr next))))
(set-cell-road-count! cell (+ (cell-road-count cell) count))
(when edge
(set-edge-road-count! edge (+ (edge-road-count edge) count)))
(cdr road)
(if (cell-city cell)
(cons (cell-city cell) cities-on-path)
; Road cost function when not creating new road. Only follow olready existing roads
; If #f is returned, no road can be built between a cell and its neighbour
(define (road-cost-no-new-road island origin direction)
(define i (car origin))
(define j (cdr origin))
(define ni (+ i (car direction)))
(define nj (+ j (cdr direction)))
(define ncell (island-get-cell island ni nj))
(and (< 0 (cell-road-count ncell)) 1))
; Heuristic cost of a cell when not creating new roads
(define (heuristic-cost-no-new-road island origin destination)
(distance-between origin destination))
; Road size depending on the cities
(define (road-size ct1 ct2)
(define size-ct1 (city-size ct1))
(define size-ct2 (city-size ct2))
(define ct1-capital? (eq? 'capital size-ct1))
(define ct2-capital? (eq? 'capital size-ct2))
(define ct1-city? (eq? 'city size-ct1))
(define ct2-city? (eq? 'city size-ct2))
(define ct1-town? (eq? 'town size-ct1))
(define ct2-town? (eq? 'town size-ct2))
((and (or ct1-capital? ct1-city?)
(or ct2-capital? ct2-city?))
((and (or ct1-capital? ct1-city? ct1-town?)
; Add roads
(define (add-roads! island)
; link every municipality to its neighbours
(island-municipality-neighbours island)
(lambda (ct1 v)
(define region? (or (eq? 'capital (city-size ct1)) (eq? 'city (city-size ct1))))
(define canton? (or (eq? 'capital (city-size ct1)) (eq? 'city (city-size ct1)) (eq? 'town (city-size ct1))))
(lambda (ct2)
(when (not (hash-has-key? (city-roads-to ct1) ct2))
island ct1 ct2
; Use the right road importance
(road-size ct1 ct2)
road-cost heuristic-cost)))
; Link every canton to its neighbours - don't create new roads, only improve existing ones
(island-canton-neighbours island)
(lambda (ct1 v)
(lambda (ct2)
(when (not (hash-has-key? (city-roads-to ct1) ct2))
(draw-road island ct1 ct2 (road-size ct1 ct2) road-cost-no-new-road heuristic-cost-no-new-road)))
; Link every region to its neighbours - don't create new roads, only improve existing ones
(island-region-neighbours island)
(lambda (ct1 v)
(lambda (ct2)
(when (not (hash-has-key? (city-roads-to ct1) ct2))
(draw-road island ct1 ct2 (road-size ct1 ct2) road-cost-no-new-road heuristic-cost-no-new-road)))
; Island generator
(define (island-generate size)
(define island (make-island size size))
(displayln "Add Island")
(island-set-altitude! island))
(displayln "Add Erosion")
(island-erode! island))
(displayln "Add Sea")
(island-set-sea! island))
(displayln "Add Temperature")
(island-set-temperature! island))
(displayln "Add Rainfall")
(island-set-rainfall! island))
(displayln "Add River springs")
(add-river-springs! island))
(displayln "Add Rivers")
(add-rivers! island))
(displayln "Add biomes")
(island-set-biome! island))
(displayln "Add Voronoi cells")
(add-voronoi-cells! island))
(displayln "Add cities")
(add-cities! island))
(displayln "Add territories")
(add-territories! island))
(displayln "Add neighbours")
(add-neighbours! island))
(displayln "Add roads")
(add-roads! island))