
309 lines
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#lang racket/base
; points
point point-add
; directions
north south west east north-west north-east south-west south-east
; edge
edge-river-count set-edge-river-count!
edge-road-count set-edge-road-count!
; cell
cell-voronoi-center set-cell-voronoi-center!
cell-altitude set-cell-altitude!
cell-biome set-cell-biome!
cell-temperature set-cell-temperature!
cell-rainfall set-cell-rainfall!
cell-river-count set-cell-river-count!
cell-city-score set-cell-city-score!
cell-city set-cell-city!
cell-road-count set-cell-road-count!
cell-region set-cell-region!
cell-canton set-cell-canton!
cell-municipality set-cell-municipality!
; city
city-position city-score
city-size set-city-size!
; island
island-voronoi-centers set-island-voronoi-centers!
island-sinkholes set-island-sinkholes!
island-cities set-island-cities!
island-get-cell island-is-inside?
island-altitude island-biome island-temperature
island-rainfall island-river-spring? island-add-river-spring!
island-river-count island-city-score island-road-count
island-east-edge island-south-edge island-west-edge island-north-edge
island-edge island-edge-between
; Definitions around the concepts of edge/cell/island for the map of the island generator
; A point is a pair or two numbers
(define (point i j)
(cons i j))
; Points can be added
(define (point-add a b)
(cons (+ (car a) (car b))
(+ (cdr a) (cdr b))))
; Directions
(define north (point 0 -1))
(define south (point 0 1))
(define west (point -1 0))
(define east (point 1 0))
(define north-west (point-add north west))
(define north-east (point-add north east))
(define south-west (point-add south west))
(define south-east (point-add south east))
; River directions: rivers can't move in diagonals
(define river-directions
(list west north east south))
; Structure edge
(struct edge
([river-count #:mutable] ; number of river crossing the edge
[road-count #:mutable] ; number of roads crossing the edge
; constructor
(define (make-edge)
0 ; river-count
0 ; road-count
; City structure
(struct city
(position ; position of the city, as a point
score ; city score of the city
[size #:mutable] ; symbolic size of the city. Possible values: 'capital 'city 'town 'village
roads-to ; indicate the cities this one has a road to, to avoid building unnecessary roads
; city constructor
(define (make-city position score)
'village ; default size
(make-hash) ; roads to
; Structure cell
(struct cell
(east-edge ; eastern edge
south-edge ; southern edge
[voronoi-center #:mutable] ; closest voronoi center to the cell
[altitude #:mutable] ; altitude of cell
[biome #:mutable] ; biome of the cell
[temperature #:mutable] ; Temperature
[rainfall #:mutable] ; Rainfall
[river-spring? #:mutable] ; tell if the cell is a river spring
[river-count #:mutable] ; how many rivers go on the cell
[city-score #:mutable] ; how the cell is compatible with the presence of a city
[city #:mutable] ; the city on the cell or #f
[road-count #:mutable] ; how many roads go on the cell
[region #:mutable] ; city the territory belongs to
[canton #:mutable] ; town, or city the territory belongs to
[municipality #:mutable] ; village, town, or city the territory belongs to
(define (make-cell)
(make-edge) ; eastern edge
(make-edge) ; southern edge
#f ; voronoi center
0 ; altitude
#f ; biome
0 ; temperature
0 ; rainfall
#f ; river spring
0 ; river count
0 ; city-score
#f; city
0 ; road count
#f ; region
#f ; canton
#f ; municipality
; An island is a 2d vector of cell
(struct island
(cells ; array of arrays of cells
[voronoi-centers #:mutable] ; list of points used as centers for voronoi cells
[river-springs #:mutable] ; list of river springs
[sinkholes #:mutable] ; list of sinkholes, used to draw lakes
[cities #:mutable] ; list of cities
municipality-neighbours ; table of neighbours by municipalities
canton-neighbours ; table of neighbours by cantons
region-neighbours ; table of neighbours by regions
; Constructor for an island
(define (make-island width height)
width height
(lambda (i j)
(make-cell))) ; cells
(list) ; voronoi cells
(list) ; river-springs
(list) ; sinkholes
(list) ; cities
(make-hash) ; municipality-neighbours
(make-hash) ; canton-neighbours
(make-hash) ; region-neighbours
; Get the cell at a given coordinate
(define (island-get-cell zn x y)
(2d-array-ref (island-cells zn) x y))
; Check if a position is inside the island
(define (island-is-inside? zn x y)
(2d-array-inside? (island-cells zn) x y))
; Find a path from a point to another across a island using the costs functions
; The possible directions indicate the possible movements from a cell to another
; Return either a list of positions or #f if there is no path
(define (island-pathfind zn from to move-cost heuristic-cost [possible-directions river-directions])
(define position-cost (make-hash)) ; cost of each position
(define path (make-hash)) ; from which position do we go to another one ? (cell-to->cell-from)
; Build the path
(define (build-path lst current)
(if current
(build-path (cons current lst) (hash-ref path current))
; add a list of new position to the frontier
(define (push lst-next lst-frontier)
(append lst-next lst-frontier)
(lambda (x y) (< (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
; Return the next position and its cost from a current position and a direction
; Return #f if there is no way to go to the next position (or if it has already been visited with a lower cost)
(define (next+cost current-position next-direction)
(define move (move-cost zn current-position next-direction))
(define new-cost (and move (+ move (hash-ref position-cost current-position))))
(define next-position (point-add current-position next-direction))
(define next-cost (hash-ref position-cost next-position #f))
(if (and new-cost (or (not next-cost) (< new-cost next-cost)))
(hash-set! position-cost next-position new-cost)
(hash-set! path next-position current-position)
(cons next-position (+ new-cost (heuristic-cost zn next-position to))))
; Get the neighbours of a given position
(define (neighbours current-position)
(lambda (x) (next+cost current-position x))
; find the path
(define (findpath frontier)
((null? frontier) #f)
((equal? (caar frontier) to) (build-path (list) to))
(#t (findpath (push (neighbours (caar frontier)) (cdr frontier))))))
; Compute the path
(hash-set! position-cost from 0)
(hash-set! path from #f)
(findpath (list (cons from 0))))
; Get the altitude of a cell
(define (island-altitude zn x y)
(cell-altitude (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; Get the biome of a cell
(define (island-biome zn x y)
(cell-biome (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; Get the temperature of a cell
(define (island-temperature zn x y)
(cell-temperature (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; Get the rainfall of a cell
(define (island-rainfall zn x y)
(cell-rainfall (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; Get the spring status of a cell
(define (island-river-spring? zn x y)
(cell-river-spring? (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; Add a river spring
(define (island-add-river-spring! zn x y)
(set-cell-river-spring?! (island-get-cell zn x y) #t)
(set-island-river-springs! zn (cons (cons x y) (island-river-springs zn))))
; Get the river count of a cell
(define (island-river-count zn x y)
(cell-river-count (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; Get the city score of a cell
(define (island-city-score zn x y)
(cell-city-score (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; Get the road count of a cell
(define (island-road-count zn x y)
(cell-road-count (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; edges
; Check if the 4 edges of the given cell are defined
(define (island-has-edges? zn x y)
(and (island-is-inside? zn x y) ; east and south edges
(island-is-inside? zn (- x 1) y) ; west edge
(island-is-inside? zn x (- y 1)))) ; north edge
; east edge
(define (island-east-edge zn x y)
(cell-east-edge (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; south edge
(define (island-south-edge zn x y)
(cell-south-edge (island-get-cell zn x y)))
; west edge [east edge of (x-1,y)]
(define (island-west-edge zn x y)
(cell-east-edge (island-get-cell zn (- x 1) y)))
; north edge [south edge of (x,y-1)]
(define (island-north-edge zn x y)
(cell-south-edge (island-get-cell zn x (- y 1))))
; edge from a direction
(define (island-edge zn x y dir)
((equal? dir north)
(island-north-edge zn x y))
((equal? dir south)
(island-south-edge zn x y))
((equal? dir west)
(island-west-edge zn x y))
((equal? dir east)
(island-east-edge zn x y))
(#t #f)))
; edge between two points
(define (island-edge-between zn x1 y1 x2 y2)
(define diff (point (- x2 x1) (- y2 y1)))
(island-edge zn x1 y1 diff))