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#lang racket/base
; Render a 2d-array of cells into several layers of geographic data
; Brush to use to render the altitude
(define (altitude-brush cell)
(define alt (cell-altitude cell))
(define bio (cell-biome cell))
((or (eq? bio 'ice-shelf)
(eq? bio 'lake))
(biome-color bio))
((and (eq? bio 'sea)
(>= -150 alt))
(rgb-color 10 40 90))
((and (eq? bio 'sea)
(>= -50 alt))
(rgb-color 15 60 135))
((eq? bio 'sea)
(rgb-color 20 80 180))
((< 3000 alt) (rgb-color 127 127 127))
((< 2600 alt) (rgb-color 100 100 100))
((< 2300 alt) (rgb-color 96 73 57))
((< 2000 alt) (rgb-color 77 47 26))
((< 1750 alt) (rgb-color 96 58 32))
((< 1500 alt) (rgb-color 134 82 45))
((< 1250 alt) (rgb-color 172 105 57))
((< 1000 alt) (rgb-color 204 140 51))
((< 800 alt) (rgb-color 215 153 66))
((< 650 alt) (rgb-color 235 180 71))
((< 500 alt) (rgb-color 245 236 137))
((< 400 alt) (rgb-color 201 237 94))
((< 300 alt) (rgb-color 153 230 77))
((< 200 alt) (rgb-color 115 201 29))
((< 150 alt) (rgb-color 88 184 20))
((< 100 alt) (rgb-color 62 170 9))
((< 50 alt) (rgb-color 31 145 8))
((< 0 alt) (rgb-color 21 128 0))
((< -50 alt) (rgb-color 15 113 0))
((< -100 alt) (rgb-color 9 98 0))
(#t (rgb-color 6 83 0))
; Brush to use to render the temperature
(define (temperature-brush cell)
(define temp (cell-temperature cell))
(define bio (cell-biome cell))
; Do not draw over the sea
(if (eq? bio 'sea)
((< 35 temp) (rgb-color 255 70 70))
((< 30 temp) (rgb-color 255 0 0))
((< 25 temp) (rgb-color 255 130 0))
((< 20 temp) (rgb-color 255 175 0))
((< 15 temp) (rgb-color 255 230 0))
((< 10 temp) (rgb-color 230 255 0))
((< 5 temp) (rgb-color 130 255 0))
((< 0 temp) (rgb-color 0 255 255))
((< -5 temp) (rgb-color 0 200 255))
((< -10 temp) (rgb-color 0 115 255))
((< -15 temp) (rgb-color 0 0 255))
(#t (rgb-color 160 0 255))
; Brush to use to render the rainfall
(define (rainfall-brush cell)
(define val (inexact->exact (floor (min (cell-rainfall cell) 255))))
(define bio (cell-biome cell))
; Do not draw over the sea
(if (eq? bio 'sea)
(rgb-color val val val))))
; Brush to use to render the biome
(define (biome-brush cell)
(define bio (cell-biome cell))
; Do not draw over the sea
(if (eq? bio 'sea)
(biome-color bio))))
; Brush to use to render the blank map
(define (blank-brush cell)
(define bio (cell-biome cell))
; Do not draw over the sea
(if (eq? bio 'sea)
(rgb-color 255 255 255))))
; Size of cells when rendered
(define cell-size 4) ; Each cell is represented by a (4px × 4px) rectangle
; Layer constructor
(define (make-layer isl)
(define cells (island-cells isl))
(* cell-size (2d-array-width cells))
(* cell-size (2d-array-height cells))))
; Layers on which the data is rendered
; Each layer is an image
(struct s-layers
( ; Backgrounds
; Foregrounds
; Layers constructor
(define (layers isl)
; Cells
(define cells (island-cells isl))
; Result
(define lays
(make-layer isl) ; altitude
(make-layer isl) ; temperature
(make-layer isl) ; rainfall
(make-layer isl) ; biome
(make-layer isl) ; blank
(make-layer isl) ; rivers
(make-layer isl) ; cities
(make-layer isl) ; roads
(make-layer isl) ; territories
; Sprite bank for cities - the name corresponds to the possible values of city-size
(define city-sprites
'((capital 0 0 19 19)
(city 19 0 19 19)
(town 38 0 19 19)
(village 57 0 19 19))))
; Render
(lambda (cell i j)
; A few definitions
(define x (* i cell-size))
(define y (* j cell-size))
; All background layers
(lambda (layer+brush)
((car layer+brush) lays)
x y
((cdr layer+brush) cell)))
(cons s-layers-altitude altitude-brush)
(cons s-layers-temperature temperature-brush)
(cons s-layers-rainfall rainfall-brush)
(cons s-layers-biome biome-brush)
(cons s-layers-blank blank-brush)))
; Foreground layers
; Rivers + lakes - not shown if there are ice-shelf
(define bio (cell-biome cell))
(define half-cell-size (/ cell-size 2))
( (eq? 'lake bio)
(s-layers-rivers lays)
x y
(biome-brush cell)))
( (and (not (eq? 'ice-shelf bio))
(not (eq? 'sea bio))
(< 0 (cell-river-count cell))
(island-has-edges? isl i j))
(lambda (direction)
(define edge (island-edge isl i j direction))
(when (< 0 (edge-river-count edge))
(s-layers-rivers lays)
(+ x half-cell-size) (+ y half-cell-size)
(+ x (* (+ 1 (car direction)) half-cell-size)) (+ y (* (+ 1 (cdr direction)) half-cell-size))
(biome-color 'lake)
(min (- cell-size 1) (+ 1 (floor (/ (edge-river-count edge) 10)))))
; Cities
(when (cell-city cell)
(s-layers-cities lays)
(+ x half-cell-size -9) (+ y half-cell-size -9) ; -9 is sprite-size/2, sprite-size is 19
(city-size (cell-city cell))))
; Roads
(when (and (< 0 (cell-road-count cell))
(island-has-edges? isl i j))
(lambda (direction)
(define edge (island-edge isl i j direction))
(when (< 0 (edge-road-count edge))
(s-layers-roads lays)
(+ x half-cell-size) (+ y half-cell-size)
(+ x (* (+ 1 (car direction)) half-cell-size)) (+ y (* (+ 1 (cdr direction)) half-cell-size))
(named-color "red")
(min (- cell-size 1) (+ 1 (floor (/ (edge-road-count edge) 10)))))
; Territories
(lambda (dir)
(define ni (+ i (car dir)))
(define nj (+ j (cdr dir)))
(define ncell (and (island-is-inside? isl ni nj)
(island-get-cell isl ni nj)))
(define land? (and (not (eq? 'sea bio))
(and ncell (not (eq? 'sea (cell-biome ncell))))))
; Pen to use to draw the limit - use dotted lines if the border is at sea
(define pen
((and ncell (not (eq? (cell-region cell) (cell-region ncell))))
(make-pen (named-color "black") 2 (if land? 'solid 'dot)))
((and ncell (not (eq? (cell-canton cell) (cell-canton ncell))))
(make-pen (named-color "gray") 2 (if land? 'solid 'dot)))
((and ncell (not (eq? (cell-municipality cell) (cell-municipality ncell))))
(make-pen (named-color "gray") 1 (if land? 'solid 'dot)))
(#t #f)))
; Draw a line using the pen
(when pen
(s-layers-territories lays)
(* ni cell-size) (* nj cell-size)
(+ x cell-size) (+ y cell-size)
; check against the south and east
(list south east))
; Output
; Render an island into a directory
(define (island-render isl directory)
; Render the layers
(define lays (layers isl))
; Output the layers
(lambda (layer+file)
(image-save ((car layer+file) lays) (string-append directory "/" (cdr layer+file))))
; Backgrounds
(cons s-layers-altitude "altitude.png")
(cons s-layers-temperature "temperature.png")
(cons s-layers-rainfall "rainfall.png")
(cons s-layers-biome "biomes.png")
(cons s-layers-blank "blank.png")
; Foregrounds
(cons s-layers-rivers "rivers.png")
(cons s-layers-cities "cities.png")
(cons s-layers-roads "roads.png")
(cons s-layers-territories "territories.png")
; Output composite images
(lambda (layers+file)
(define composite (make-layer isl))
; Draw a sea biome background
0 0 (image-width composite) (image-height composite)
(make-brush (biome-color 'sea)))
; Draw the layers
(lambda (layer-proc)
(layer-proc lays)
0 0))
(car layers+file))
(image-save composite (string-append directory "/" (cdr layers+file))))
(cons (list s-layers-altitude s-layers-rivers s-layers-cities) "altitude+rivers+cities.png")
(cons (list s-layers-blank s-layers-territories s-layers-cities) "blank+territories+cities.png")