
204 lines
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#lang racket/base
; Floraverse-related pages
; Includes the floraverse character generator
; The generator
(define *FloraGenDataDir* "/data/flora-generator-data")
(define *FloraGen* (make-flora-generator "./static" *FloraGenDataDir* "/data/phonagen.json"))
; Floraverse welcome page
(define pages:floraverse
#:title "Floraverse"
#:author "Feufochmar"
#:date "2020-02-02"
(p "As I'm a fan of the " (a ((href "http://floraverse.com")) "Floraverse comic") ", I wrote a generator making characters living in the world of the comic. "
"In fact, I originally made this website to host the generator. "
"This section regroups the character generator and other tools related to the Floraverse universe. ")
; About the generator
(define pages:floraverse-character-generator-about
#:title "About the Floraverse Character Generator"
#:author "Feufochmar"
#:date "2020-02-02"
(h3 "Origin")
(p "The character generator is inspired by " (a ((href "http://fav.me/d7569je")) "this journal post on deviantArt") ", "
"which used the " (a ((href "http://marnok.com/content/_adventure/101npcs.php")) "Marnok's NPC generator") " to generate personality traits. "))
(h3 "History")
(p "The current generator is the fifth iteration of the generator. " (br)
"The first version was a written in Java and started as a desktop application, before I added features to run it as a webservice. "
"This lead to the creation of this website, to initially host that generator. " (br)
"The second version was written in Guile Scheme and ran only as a webservice. " (br)
"The third version was based on the previous version and was the result of the merger "
"of several generators I wrote and hosted on this website into a single project. " (br)
"The fourth version was caused by a rewrite of this website in Racket. " (br)
"The fifth and current version is an iteration of the previous to separate the data used by the generators from the code. "))
(h3 "Data")
(p "The data used by the generator is available in a "
(a ((href "https://projects.feuforeve.fr/Feufochmar/flora-generator-data")) "git repository")
", and is mainly written in JSON. "
"A mirror of the repository is also hosted on " (a ((href "https://github.com/Feufochmar/flora-generator-data")) "GitHub") ". " (br)
"The file structures are documented in the " (code "README.md") " file. "))
(h3 "Code")
(p "The code of the generator is available along with the code of this website in a "
(a ((href "https://projects.feuforeve.fr/Feufochmar/feuforeve.v4")) "git repository") ". "
"It is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version (GPLv2+). "
"The code is written in " (a ((href "http://racket-lang.org/")) "Racket") ". "))
; Generator page
(define *generable-species*
(species-database-all (flora-generator-species *FloraGen*) species-generable-as-character?)
(lambda (x y) (string<? (species-name x) (species-name y)))))
(define *languages*
(phonagen-generator-ids (flora-generator-name *FloraGen*))
(lambda (x y) (string<? (symbol->string x) (symbol->string y)))))
(define pages:floraverse-character-generator
#:title "Floraverse Character Generator"
#:author "MechaMaskedOwl"
(lambda (param)
(define asked-species (weblet-parameter-ref param 'species #f))
(define species (and asked-species (species-database-get (flora-generator-species *FloraGen*) asked-species)))
(define forced? (equal? "on" (weblet-parameter-ref param 'forced #f)))
(define asked-language (weblet-parameter-ref param 'language #f))
(define constraints (make-immutable-hash
`((species . ,species)
(nb-ascendents . ,(if forced? 0 3))
(language . ,(and asked-language (string->symbol asked-language)))
((action "/Floraverse/CharacterGenerator"))
(label "Species "
(select ((name "species"))
(option ((value "")) "— random species —")
(lambda (x)
(define sp-name (species-name x))
`(option ((value ,sp-name)
,@(if (equal? sp-name asked-species) '((selected "true")) '()))
(input ((name "forced")(type "checkbox")
,@(if forced? '((checked "true")) '()))
"No family (force the species)")
(label "Names from "
(select ((name "language"))
(option ((value "")) "— random word generator —")
(lambda (x)
(define str-lang (symbol->string x))
`(option ((value ,str-lang)
,@(if (equal? str-lang asked-language) '((selected "true")) '()))
(button "New character"))
,(flora-character-generate *FloraGen* flora-character->full-html constraints)))))
; Tweet output, as json
(define pages:floraverse-character-generator-tweet
#:content-type #"application/json;charset=utf-8"
(lambda (param)
(flora-character-generate *FloraGen* flora-character->tweets)))))
; Calendar Tool
(define pages:floraverse-calendar
#:title "Floraverse Calendar"
#:author "MechaMaskedOwl"
(lambda (param)
(define today (current-date))
(define today-flora (calendar-get-date (flora-generator-calendar *FloraGen*) (date-month today) (date-day today)))
(define req-date (weblet-parameter-ref param 'date #f))
(define split-date (and req-date (string-split req-date "-")))
(define req-month (and split-date (eq? 3 (length split-date)) (cadr split-date)))
(define req-day (and split-date (eq? 3 (length split-date)) (caddr split-date)))
(define match-month (weblet-parameter-ref param 'month #f))
(define match-day (weblet-parameter-ref param 'day #f))
(define month (or (and req-month (string->number req-month))
(and match-month (string->number match-month))))
(define day (or (and req-day (string->number req-day))
(and match-day (string->number match-day))))
(define req-flora
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (v) #f)])
(calendar-get-date (flora-generator-calendar *FloraGen*) month day)))
(define (show-date d+s)
"The " ,(english:ordinal (date+sign-day d+s)) " of " ,(date+sign-month-name d+s) " "
"is under the astrological sign of " ,(date+sign-sign-name d+s) ". " (br)
(img ((src ,(string-append *FloraGenDataDir* "/" (date+sign-sign-symbol d+s)))
(width "64")
(height "64")
,(if req-flora
(h3 ,(string-append "YYYY-" (number->string month) "-" (number->string day)))
,(show-date req-flora))
(h3 "Convert a date to Floraverse date")
(form ((action "/Floraverse/Calendar"))
(label "Pick a date: "
(input ((name "date")
(type "date")
(value ,(string-append
(number->string (date-year today)) "-"
(number->string (date-month today)) "-"
(number->string (date-day today)))))))
(button "Convert to Floraverse date")))
(h3 "Today")
,(show-date today-flora))