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#lang racket/base
; Pages with minor generators, often written in javascript
; About page on the other generators
(define pages:other-generators
#:title "Miscellaneous Generators"
#:author "Feufochmar"
#:date "2019-11-08"
(p "One of the thing I like to code as a hobby are procedural generators. "
"This section regroups little other generators I wrote, but that are not important enough to have their own section. "
"Some where made during the " (a ((href "http://www.procjam.com/")) "PROCJAM") " sessions, a recurrent coding jam about procedural generation. "
"So they may also be present on my " (a ((href "https://feufochmar.itch.io/")) " itch.io page") ". ")
; Color Scheme Generator
(define (color-scheme-block name type)
`(div ((class "palette-block"))
(p ((id ,(string-append "wheel." type)) (class "palette-wheel")) "")
(p ((class "palette-name")) ,name)
,@(build-list 5
(lambda (i)
(let ((j (+ 1 i)))
`(p ((id ,(string-append "color-" (number->string j) "-" type))
(class "palette-color"))
,(string-append "Color." (number->string j) "." name)))))))
(define pages:color-scheme-generator
#:title "Color Scheme Generator"
#:author "Feufochmar"
#:date "2019-11-08"
#:stylesheets '("/css/palette-generator.css")
#:scripts '("/scripts/palette-generator.js")
#:on-load "generateScheme();"
(p (button ((onclick "generateScheme();")) "New color scheme")))
,(color-scheme-block "HSL" "hsl")
,(color-scheme-block "HSV" "hsv")
,(color-scheme-block "LCHab" "lchab")
,(color-scheme-block "LCHuv" "lchuv") )
(p (h3 "About this generator")
"This generator creates a small color palette using a cylindrical representation. "
"This representation is mapped to four different color spaces to generate four color schemes. " (br)
"The color wheel displayed shows for each colorspace the colors with the hues from 0° to 360°, "
"a lightness or value of 50%, and a saturation or chroma of 100%. " (br)
"The colors are displayed with their RGB values. "
(define *adventurer-generator* (make-pictogrammic-adventurer-generator "./static/data/pictogrammic-adventurer.json"))
(define pages:pictogrammic-adventurer
#:title "Pictogrammic Adventurer Generator"
#:author "feuforeve.fr"
#:stylesheets '("/css/adventurer-generator.css")
(lambda (param)
(let ((adv (pictogrammic-adventurer-generate *adventurer-generator*)))
(a ((href "/Generators/PictogrammicAdventurer")) "New adventurer")
(h3 "Adventurer's statistics")
(lambda (x)
`(tr (td (strong ,(car x)))
(td ((class "adventurer-stats")) ,((cdr x) adv))))
`(("Name" . ,adventurer-name)
("Gender" . ,adventurer-gender)
("Species" . ,adventurer-species)
("Class" . ,adventurer-class)
("Health" . ,adventurer-health)
("Mana" . ,adventurer-mana)
("Spells" . ,adventurer-spells)
("Status" . ,adventurer-status)
("Equiped" . ,adventurer-equipment)
("Inventory" . ,adventurer-inventory)
("Party" . ,adventurer-party)
("Battle cry" . ,adventurer-battle-cry)
("Astrological sign" . ,adventurer-astrological-sign)
("Home" . ,adventurer-living-place)
("Destiny cards" . ,adventurer-cards)))))
(h3 "About this generator")
(p "This generator makes adventurer characters whose statistics are represented by symbols and pictograms. " (br)
"The font " (a ((href "http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/")) "Symbola") " is used to display the pictograms. "))
(define pages:phonagen
#:title "Phonagen"
#:author "Feufochmar"
#:date "2019-11-10"
#:stylesheets '("/css/phonagen.css")
#:scripts '("/scripts/phonagen.js")
#:on-load "phonagen.load('/data/phonagen.json');"
(p "Select a word generator from the list and click generate.")
(section ((id "phonagen")))
(h3 "About this generator")
"This generator creates words from a JSON representation of phonologies and word generators. "
"This is an in-browser version of the generator used in the " (a ((href "/Floraverse/CharacterGenerator")) "Floraverse Character Generator") " for the character's name." (br)
"It was made for the " (a ((href "https://itch.io/jam/procjam/rate/271994")) "ProcJam:Summer 2018") ". " (br)
"The tools used to assemble the JSON representation and the source code of the in-browser generator is available through git: "
(pre "git clone https://projects.feuforeve.fr/phonagen.git")))
(define pages:gener-communes
#:title "Un Village en France"
#:author "Feufochmar"
#:date "2019-11-10"
#:stylesheets '("/css/gener-communes.css")
#:scripts '("/scripts/gener-communes.js")
#:on-load "genercommunes.load('/data/gener-communes.json')"
(p "Select a departement from the list and click generate.")
(section ((id "gener-communes")))
(h3 "About this generator")
"This generator was made for the " (a ((href "https://itch.io/jam/procjam/rate/511765")) "ProcJam 2019") ". " (br)
"It creates municipality names from a JSON file that was generated after analysing the list of all french municipalities by departement. " (br)
"The generator uses grammatical trees to represent the possible names, and fill them with either words taken from lists or generated using Markov chains. " (br)
"The JSON file was generated by analysing the names to compute the possible trees and their probabilities, the distributions of words, and Markov chain generators. " (br)
"For instance, a name like " (code "Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule") " was analysed as the tree " (code "(sur (Saint $MasculineName$) $RiverName$)") ", "
"the word " (code "Pourçain") " as an element of the " (code "$MasculineName$") " word distribution, "
"and the word " (code "Sioule") " as an input of the Markov chain generating river names. "
(define *pizzeria-generator* (make-pizzeria-generator "./static/data/pizza.json"))
(define pages:pizzeria
#:title "Pizzeria"
#:author "feuforeve.fr"
(lambda (param)
(define pizzeria (pizzeria-generate *pizzeria-generator*))
(a ((href "/Generators/Pizzeria")) "Nouveau menu")
(h2 ,(pizzeria-name pizzeria))
(lambda (pzz)
(strong ,(string-upcase (pizza-name pzz)))
,(number->string (pizza-price pzz)) ""
,(pizza-ingredients-fr pzz)))
(pizzeria-menu pizzeria)))
(p "Les prix sont toutes taxes comprises et service inclus. "))
(h3 "À propos de ce générateur")
(p "Ce générateur crée un menu de pizzeria à partir de divers ingrédients et de recettes types. " (br)
"Entrée tardive pour le " (a ((href "https://itch.io/jam/procjam/rate/865690")) "ProcJam 2020") ".")))
(define pages:amytron:dataset '("amytron" "pipotron" "villages" "gatel"))
(define pages:amytron:onload
(lambda (x) (string-append "'/data/amytron/" x ".json'"))
(define pages:amytron
#:title "AmyTron4000"
#:author "Feufochmar"
#:date "2022-05-18"
#:stylesheets '("/css/amytron.css")
#:scripts '("/scripts/amytron.js")
#:on-load pages:amytron:onload
(p "AmyTron4000, a rule-based generator")
(section ((id "amytron")))
(h3 "About this generator")
"This generator was made for the " (a ((href "https://itch.io/jam/the-tool-jam-2/rate/1530328")) "Tool Jam 2") ". " (br)
"It is based on previous generators I made, like Phonagen or ArnYtron3000, but limits itself to rule-based generation. " (br)
"The various generators provided use the same JSON file format. " (br)
"A generator can run either in word-mode or sentence-mode. In word-mode, the generated string is simply concatenated. "
"In sentence-mode, spaces, capitalization, and the final dot are added during concatenation. "