
102 lines
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"""Common functions and classes for phonagen tools"""
import json
import io
import sys
import csv
class Phonology:
"""Phonology class"""
def __init__(self, id = '', description = '', transcriptions = [], mainTranscription = '', entries = []): = id
self.description = description
self.transcriptions = transcriptions
self.mainTranscription = mainTranscription
self.entries = entries
def isValid(self):
return != ''
def toJsonStruct(self):
"""Convert a Phonology to a Json structure"""
return { 'id':,
'description': self.description,
'transcriptions': self.transcriptions,
'main-transcription': self.mainTranscription,
'entries': self.entries }
def fromJsonStruct(self, struct):
"""Create a Phonology from a Json structure"""
return Phonology(struct['id'], struct['decription'], struct['transcriptions'], struct['main-transcription'], struct['entries'])
def fromCsv(self, file):
with open(file) as csvfile:
fileReader = csv.reader(csvfile)
# get csv header
header = next(fileReader)
# get the transcriptions (header items not id or description)
self.transcriptions = [x for x in header if x not in ['id', 'description']]
# Check: self.transcriptions should contain 'phoneme'
if 'phoneme' not in self.transcriptions:
raise Exception('phoneme column not found in ', file)
# Check: self.transcriptions should have at least two items
if len(self.transcriptions) < 2:
raise Exception('No transcription found outside phoneme in file ', file, 'Did you named it id or description ?')
# get the first header item which is not one of those: id, description, phoneme
guessedMainTranscription = next(x for x in header if x not in ['id', 'description', 'phoneme'])
# If main-transcription was not given on the command line, use the guess as main-transcription
if self.mainTranscription == '':
self.mainTranscription = guessedMainTranscription
# Check: self.mainTranscription should be in self.transcriptions
if self.mainTranscription not in self.mainTranscription:
raise Exception('main-transcription', self.mainTranscription, 'not in list of transcriptions')
# If id was not given on the command line, use the mainTranscription as the id
if == '': = self.mainTranscription
# parse entries
for row in fileReader:
entry = dict()
for i in range(len(row)):
entry.update({header[i]: row[i]})
# All absent elements are set to ''
for i in range(len(row), len(header)):
entry.update({header[i]: ''})
# if both phoneme and main-transcription are empty, skip the rest
if (entry['phoneme'] != '') or (entry[self.mainTranscription] != ''):
# if id is not provided, generate it
if 'id' not in header:
entry.update({'id': entry['phoneme'] + '-' + entry[self.mainTranscription]})
# if description is not provided, add an empty one
if 'description' not in header:
entry.update({'description': ''})
class PhonagenFile:
"""A phonagen file, with phonologies and generators"""
def __init__(self):
self.phonologies = {}
self.generators = {}
def addPhonology(self, phonology):
if (phonology.isValid()):
self.phonologies.update({ phonology})
def addGenerator(self, generator):
if (generator.isValid()):
self.generators.update({ generator})
def getPhonology(self, id):
return self.phonologies[id]
def getGenerator(self, id):
return self.generators[id]
def writeTo(self, file = ''):
"""Output a JSON file from lists of phonologies and generators"""
outputStruct = { 'phonologies': [x.toJsonStruct() for x in self.phonologies.values()],
'generators': [x.toJsonStruct() for x in self.generators.values()] }
if file == '':
json.dump(outputStruct, sys.stdout, ensure_ascii=False)
with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outputFile:
json.dump(outputStruct, outputFile, ensure_ascii=False)