Import snake source.

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Feufochmar 2022-05-23 13:07:00 +02:00
commit 5dfc8713f4
8 changed files with 399 additions and 0 deletions

LICENSE.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Feufochmar
This package is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL). This means that you can link snake into proprietary
applications, provided you follow the rules stated in the LGPL. You
can also modify this package; if you distribute a modified version,
you must distribute it under the terms of the LGPL, which in
particular means that you must release the source code for the
modified software. See
for more information.

3 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
A little snake game.

info.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#lang info
(define collection "snake")
(define deps '("base" "gui"))
(define build-deps '("scribble-lib" "racket-doc" "rackunit-lib"))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/snake.scrbl" ())))
(define pkg-desc "A little snake game")
(define version "1.0")
(define pkg-authors '(Feufochmar))

main.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#lang racket/base
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
;; Notice
;; To install (from within the package directory):
;; $ raco pkg install
;; To install (once uploaded to
;; $ raco pkg install <<name>>
;; To uninstall:
;; $ raco pkg remove <<name>>
;; To view documentation:
;; $ raco docs <<name>>
;; For your convenience, we have included a LICENSE.txt file, which links to
;; the GNU Lesser General Public License.
;; If you would prefer to use a different license, replace LICENSE.txt with the
;; desired license.
;; Some users like to add a `private/` directory, place auxiliary files there,
;; and require them in `main.rkt`.
;; See the current version of the racket style guide here:
;; Code here
(module+ test
;; Tests to be run with raco test
(module+ main
;; Main entry point, executed when run with the `racket` executable or DrRacket.
(require "private/ui.rkt")
(define *GUI* (make-gui-snake "tiles.png"))
(run-gui-snake *GUI*))

private/snake.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
#lang racket/base
+pos -pos *pos =pos
snake-heading snake-positions turn-snake!
game-snake game-preys make-game update-game! game-over?)
; headings
(define *NORTH* '(0 . -1))
(define *SOUTH* '(0 . 1))
(define *EAST* '(1 . 0))
(define *WEST* '(-1 . 0))
; Maths for positions
; Null position
(define *NULL-POS* '(0 . 0))
; Vector addition
(define (+pos p1 p2)
(cons (+ (car p1) (car p2))
(+ (cdr p1) (cdr p2))))
; Vector substraction
(define (-pos p1 p2)
(cons (- (car p1) (car p2))
(- (cdr p1) (cdr p2))))
; Product by scalar
(define (*pos scalar pos)
(cons (* scalar (car pos))
(* scalar (cdr pos))))
; Equality
(define (=pos p1 p2)
(and (eq? (car p1) (car p2))
(eq? (cdr p1) (cdr p2))))
; Snake structure
(struct snake
((heading #:mutable) ; direction of the head
(positions #:mutable) ; positions of the snake body, as pairs of positions
; Make a snake whose head is at position head-position, going into the direction heading, and with a length of len
(define (make-snake head-position heading len)
(let ((opp-heading (-pos *NULL-POS* heading)))
(lambda (x)
(+pos head-position (*pos x opp-heading)))))))
; Move the snake
(define (move-snake! snk)
(let ((old-pos (snake-positions snk)))
(cons (+pos (snake-heading snk) (car old-pos))
(reverse (cdr (reverse old-pos)))))))
; Turn the snake in the given direction, if possible
(define (turn-snake! snk new-heading)
(let ((old-heading (snake-heading snk)))
(and (or (=pos old-heading *NORTH*) (=pos old-heading *SOUTH*))
(or (=pos new-heading *EAST*) (=pos new-heading *WEST*)))
(and (or (=pos old-heading *EAST*) (=pos old-heading *WEST*))
(or (=pos new-heading *NORTH*) (=pos new-heading *SOUTH*))))
(set-snake-heading! snk new-heading))))
; Grow the snake by the given amount of length
; The last position is repeated
(define (grow-snake! snk len)
(let* ((old-pos (snake-positions snk))
(rev-old-pos (reverse old-pos)))
(make-list len (car rev-old-pos))
; Check if the snake collided with itself (the head is repeated in the positions list)
(define (snake-collided? snk)
(let ((pos (snake-positions snk)))
(member (car pos) (cdr pos) =pos)))
; Check if the snake's head is outside the area
(define (snake-fled? snk width height)
(let ((head (car (snake-positions snk))))
(or (< (car head) 0)
(< (cdr head) 0)
(<= width (car head))
(<= height (cdr head)))))
; Add preys to a list of preys in a given area (and return the list)
(define (add-preys preys nb width height excluded-pos)
(if (<= nb 0)
(let ((pos (cons (random width) (random height))))
(if (or (member pos preys =pos) (member pos excluded-pos =pos))
(add-preys preys nb width height excluded-pos)
(add-preys (cons pos preys) (- nb 1) width height excluded-pos)))))
; Make a list of preys
(define (make-preys nb width height excluded-pos)
(add-preys '() nb width height excluded-pos))
; Check if the snake has eaten a prey (and grow by the given amount), and return the list of preys still in the area
(define (eat-prey! preys snk growth)
(let ((head (car (snake-positions snk))))
(if (member head preys =pos)
(grow-snake! snk growth)
(remove head preys =pos))
; Game structure
(struct game
(preys #:mutable)
; Initialize the game
(define (make-game width height snake-heading snake-length snake-growth nb-preys)
(let ((snk (make-snake (cons (floor (/ width 2)) (floor (/ height 2))) snake-heading snake-length)))
(make-preys nb-preys width height (snake-positions snk))
; Update the game world
(define (update-game! gm)
(move-snake! (game-snake gm))
(set-game-preys! gm (eat-prey! (game-preys gm) (game-snake gm) (game-snake-growth gm))))
; Check if the game ended, and if so, by winning or loosing
(define (game-over? gm)
((null? (game-preys gm))
((or (snake-fled? (game-snake gm) (game-width gm) (game-height gm))
(snake-collided? (game-snake gm)))
(#t #f)))

private/ui.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
#lang racket/gui
make-gui-snake run-gui-snake)
; Game constants
(define *FRAME-WIDTH* 640)
(define *FRAME-HEIGHT* 480)
(define *TILE-SIZE* 16)
(define *WIDTH* 40)
(define *HEIGHT* 30)
(define *SNAKE-LENGTH* 3)
(define *SNAKE-GROWTH* 2)
(define *NB-PREYS* 20)
; Canvas for drawing the game and handling keyboard events
(define snake-canvas%
(class canvas%
(init game tiles-path)
(define gm game)
(define tiles (read-bitmap tiles-path))
(define timer
(new timer% [notify-callback
(lambda ()
(if (not (game-over? gm))
(update-game! gm)
(send this refresh))
(send this stop-timer)))
; Override method for keyboard events
(define/override (on-char event)
(when (not (game-over? gm))
(let ((snk (game-snake gm))
(key-code (send event get-key-code)))
(case key-code
((up) (turn-snake! snk *NORTH*))
((down) (turn-snake! snk *SOUTH*))
((left) (turn-snake! snk *WEST*))
((right) (turn-snake! snk *EAST*))
(else #f)))))
; Draw a tile
(define (draw-tile dc pos tile-idx)
(send dc draw-bitmap-section tiles
(* *TILE-SIZE* (car pos)) (* *TILE-SIZE* (cdr pos))
(* *TILE-SIZE* (car tile-idx)) (* *TILE-SIZE* (cdr tile-idx))
; Get the snake tile from the previous and current positions
(define (get-snake-tile-idx pos-2 pos-1 pos)
(if pos-2
; Not head
(let ((diff-1 (-pos pos-2 pos-1))
(diff (-pos pos-1 pos)))
((and (=pos diff-1 *NORTH*) (=pos diff *NORTH*)) '(0 . 2))
((and (=pos diff-1 *SOUTH*) (=pos diff *SOUTH*)) '(0 . 2))
((and (=pos diff-1 *EAST*) (=pos diff *EAST*)) '(1 . 2))
((and (=pos diff-1 *WEST*) (=pos diff *WEST*)) '(1 . 2))
((and (=pos diff-1 *EAST*) (=pos diff *SOUTH*)) '(0 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *NORTH*) (=pos diff *WEST*)) '(0 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *EAST*) (=pos diff *NORTH*)) '(1 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *SOUTH*) (=pos diff *WEST*)) '(1 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *WEST*) (=pos diff *NORTH*)) '(2 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *SOUTH*) (=pos diff *EAST*)) '(2 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *WEST*) (=pos diff *SOUTH*)) '(3 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *NORTH*) (=pos diff *EAST*)) '(3 . 3))
(#t '(1 . 0))))
; Else: head
(let ((diff (-pos pos-1 pos)))
((=pos diff *NORTH*) '(0 . 1))
((=pos diff *EAST*) '(1 . 1))
((=pos diff *SOUTH*) '(2 . 1))
((=pos diff *WEST*) '(3 . 1))
(#t '(1 . 0))))))
; Draw the snake tail
(define (draw-snake-tail dc last-pos)
(let* ((pos (cadr last-pos))
(pos-1 (car last-pos))
(diff (-pos pos-1 pos))
((=pos diff *NORTH*) '(0 . 4))
((=pos diff *EAST*) '(1 . 4))
((=pos diff *SOUTH*) '(2 . 4))
((=pos diff *WEST*) '(3 . 4))
(#t '(1 . 0)))))
(draw-tile dc pos tile-idx)))
; Draw the snake
(define (draw-snake dc)
(let* ((snk (game-snake gm))
(positions (snake-positions snk)))
(lambda (pos old-pos) ; old-pos contain the two previous positions
(if old-pos
; Draw the previous tile
(let ((tile-idx (get-snake-tile-idx (car old-pos) (cdr old-pos) pos)))
(draw-tile dc (cdr old-pos) tile-idx)
(cons (cdr old-pos) pos))
(cons old-pos pos)))
(draw-snake-tail dc (reverse (take (reverse (remove-duplicates positions)) 2)))))
; Draw the preys
(define (draw-preys dc)
(lambda (pos)
(draw-tile dc pos '(0 . 0)))
(game-preys gm)))
(define *TEXT-COLOR* (make-color 255 0 0 1.0))
(define *TEXT-FONT* (make-font #:size 30))
; Override the on-paint method for drawing canvas
(define/override (on-paint)
(let ((dc (send this get-dc)))
; Clear
(send dc clear)
; Text features
(send dc set-text-foreground *TEXT-COLOR*)
(send dc set-font *TEXT-FONT*)
(case (game-over? gm)
; Draw snake
(draw-snake dc)
; Draw preys
(draw-preys dc))
(lambda () (send dc get-text-extent "GAME WON"))
(lambda (width height . rest)
(send dc draw-text "GAME WON" (/ (- *FRAME-WIDTH* width) 2) (/ (- *FRAME-HEIGHT* height) 2)))))
(lambda () (send dc get-text-extent "GAME LOST"))
(lambda (width height . rest)
(send dc draw-text "GAME LOST" (/ (- *FRAME-WIDTH* width) 2) (/ (- *FRAME-HEIGHT* height) 2))))))))
; Start game
(define/public (start-timer period)
(send timer start period))
; Stop game
(define/public (stop-timer)
(send timer stop))
; Call the superclass init
; GUI structure
(struct gui-snake
; Instanciation
(define (make-gui-snake tiles-path)
(let* ((frame (new frame% [label "Snake"][width *FRAME-WIDTH*][height *FRAME-HEIGHT*]))
(canvas (new snake-canvas% [game game] [tiles-path tiles-path] [parent frame])))
; Run the game
(define (run-gui-snake gui)
(send (gui-snake-frame gui) show #t)
; Start the timer for updating the game
(send (gui-snake-canvas gui) start-timer 200))

scribblings/snake.scrbl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#lang scribble/manual
Package Description Here

tiles.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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