
38 lines
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#lang racket/base
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
;; Notice
;; To install (from within the package directory):
;; $ raco pkg install
;; To install (once uploaded to
;; $ raco pkg install <<name>>
;; To uninstall:
;; $ raco pkg remove <<name>>
;; To view documentation:
;; $ raco docs <<name>>
;; For your convenience, we have included a LICENSE.txt file, which links to
;; the GNU Lesser General Public License.
;; If you would prefer to use a different license, replace LICENSE.txt with the
;; desired license.
;; Some users like to add a `private/` directory, place auxiliary files there,
;; and require them in `main.rkt`.
;; See the current version of the racket style guide here:
;; Code here
(module+ test
;; Tests to be run with raco test
(module+ main
;; Main entry point, executed when run with the `racket` executable or DrRacket.
(require "private/ui.rkt")
(define *GUI* (make-gui-snake "tiles.png"))
(run-gui-snake *GUI*))