
180 lines
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#lang racket/gui
make-gui-snake run-gui-snake)
; Game constants
(define *FRAME-WIDTH* 640)
(define *FRAME-HEIGHT* 480)
(define *TILE-SIZE* 16)
(define *WIDTH* 40)
(define *HEIGHT* 30)
(define *SNAKE-LENGTH* 3)
(define *SNAKE-GROWTH* 2)
(define *NB-PREYS* 20)
; Canvas for drawing the game and handling keyboard events
(define snake-canvas%
(class canvas%
(init game tiles-path)
(define gm game)
(define tiles (read-bitmap tiles-path))
(define timer
(new timer% [notify-callback
(lambda ()
(if (not (game-over? gm))
(update-game! gm)
(send this refresh))
(send this stop-timer)))
; Override method for keyboard events
(define/override (on-char event)
(when (not (game-over? gm))
(let ((snk (game-snake gm))
(key-code (send event get-key-code)))
(case key-code
((up) (turn-snake! snk *NORTH*))
((down) (turn-snake! snk *SOUTH*))
((left) (turn-snake! snk *WEST*))
((right) (turn-snake! snk *EAST*))
(else #f)))))
; Draw a tile
(define (draw-tile dc pos tile-idx)
(send dc draw-bitmap-section tiles
(* *TILE-SIZE* (car pos)) (* *TILE-SIZE* (cdr pos))
(* *TILE-SIZE* (car tile-idx)) (* *TILE-SIZE* (cdr tile-idx))
; Get the snake tile from the previous and current positions
(define (get-snake-tile-idx pos-2 pos-1 pos)
(if pos-2
; Not head
(let ((diff-1 (-pos pos-2 pos-1))
(diff (-pos pos-1 pos)))
((and (=pos diff-1 *NORTH*) (=pos diff *NORTH*)) '(0 . 2))
((and (=pos diff-1 *SOUTH*) (=pos diff *SOUTH*)) '(0 . 2))
((and (=pos diff-1 *EAST*) (=pos diff *EAST*)) '(1 . 2))
((and (=pos diff-1 *WEST*) (=pos diff *WEST*)) '(1 . 2))
((and (=pos diff-1 *EAST*) (=pos diff *SOUTH*)) '(0 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *NORTH*) (=pos diff *WEST*)) '(0 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *EAST*) (=pos diff *NORTH*)) '(1 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *SOUTH*) (=pos diff *WEST*)) '(1 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *WEST*) (=pos diff *NORTH*)) '(2 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *SOUTH*) (=pos diff *EAST*)) '(2 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *WEST*) (=pos diff *SOUTH*)) '(3 . 3))
((and (=pos diff-1 *NORTH*) (=pos diff *EAST*)) '(3 . 3))
(#t '(1 . 0))))
; Else: head
(let ((diff (-pos pos-1 pos)))
((=pos diff *NORTH*) '(0 . 1))
((=pos diff *EAST*) '(1 . 1))
((=pos diff *SOUTH*) '(2 . 1))
((=pos diff *WEST*) '(3 . 1))
(#t '(1 . 0))))))
; Draw the snake tail
(define (draw-snake-tail dc last-pos)
(let* ((pos (cadr last-pos))
(pos-1 (car last-pos))
(diff (-pos pos-1 pos))
((=pos diff *NORTH*) '(0 . 4))
((=pos diff *EAST*) '(1 . 4))
((=pos diff *SOUTH*) '(2 . 4))
((=pos diff *WEST*) '(3 . 4))
(#t '(1 . 0)))))
(draw-tile dc pos tile-idx)))
; Draw the snake
(define (draw-snake dc)
(let* ((snk (game-snake gm))
(positions (snake-positions snk)))
(lambda (pos old-pos) ; old-pos contain the two previous positions
(if old-pos
; Draw the previous tile
(let ((tile-idx (get-snake-tile-idx (car old-pos) (cdr old-pos) pos)))
(draw-tile dc (cdr old-pos) tile-idx)
(cons (cdr old-pos) pos))
(cons old-pos pos)))
(draw-snake-tail dc (reverse (take (reverse (remove-duplicates positions)) 2)))))
; Draw the preys
(define (draw-preys dc)
(lambda (pos)
(draw-tile dc pos '(0 . 0)))
(game-preys gm)))
(define *TEXT-COLOR* (make-color 255 0 0 1.0))
(define *TEXT-FONT* (make-font #:size 30))
; Override the on-paint method for drawing canvas
(define/override (on-paint)
(let ((dc (send this get-dc)))
; Clear
(send dc clear)
; Text features
(send dc set-text-foreground *TEXT-COLOR*)
(send dc set-font *TEXT-FONT*)
(case (game-over? gm)
; Draw snake
(draw-snake dc)
; Draw preys
(draw-preys dc))
(lambda () (send dc get-text-extent "GAME WON"))
(lambda (width height . rest)
(send dc draw-text "GAME WON" (/ (- *FRAME-WIDTH* width) 2) (/ (- *FRAME-HEIGHT* height) 2)))))
(lambda () (send dc get-text-extent "GAME LOST"))
(lambda (width height . rest)
(send dc draw-text "GAME LOST" (/ (- *FRAME-WIDTH* width) 2) (/ (- *FRAME-HEIGHT* height) 2))))))))
; Start game
(define/public (start-timer period)
(send timer start period))
; Stop game
(define/public (stop-timer)
(send timer stop))
; Call the superclass init
; GUI structure
(struct gui-snake
; Instanciation
(define (make-gui-snake tiles-path)
(let* ((frame (new frame% [label "Snake"][width *FRAME-WIDTH*][height *FRAME-HEIGHT*]))
(canvas (new snake-canvas% [game game] [tiles-path tiles-path] [parent frame])))
; Run the game
(define (run-gui-snake gui)
(send (gui-snake-frame gui) show #t)
; Start the timer for updating the game
(send (gui-snake-canvas gui) start-timer 200))