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Phonemic word generation tools. Phonagen provide several tools to make words generators based on the prononciation and transcriptions of phonemes.

The tools are built around a JSON representation of phonemes and word generators.

Web interface

The web directory contains a sample web interface to generate words from the JSON description included in the web/data.json file. The implementation of generators is located in the script web/phonagen.js. To use it on any webpage:

  • include the script on your page (<script src='phonagen.js'></script> in the headers)
  • add a div (or another block element) with the phonagen id
  • call the phonagen.load() function with the JSON file to use as an argument (either in the onload method of the body, or in a script tags placed after the phonagen block ex: <script>phonagen.load('data.json')</script>)